
Malíček J. & Vondrák J. : Lišejníky chráněných území Ralsko a Vranovské skály (severní Čechy) , 1-23
[Lichens of the protected areas Ralsko and Vranovské skály (North Bohemia)]
Abstract: [The diversity of lichenized fungi was explored in two close protected areas, Ralsko and Vranovské skály, during several field excursions in 2017 and 2018. We present a list of 298 species, including 272 recently recorded taxa: 223 species from Ralsko and 137 species from Vranovské skály. The Ralsko Nature Reserve protects ecosystems of tephrite rocks and boulder screes, a castle ruin and old-growth scree woodlands. Rare species are mostly represented by montane epilithic lichens, for example Acarospora insolata, Melanelia panniformis, Fuscidea recensa, Lecanactis dilleniana, Lecanora cenisia f. soredians, Ophioparma ventosa, Porpidia cinereoatra, Stereocaulon pileatum, S. vesuvianum var. symphycheileoides, Umbilicaria hyperborea and U. subglabra. Lecidea phaeops and Rinodina teichophila, which are so far known from a single locality in the Czech Republic, were recorded on the screes and in the area of the castle ruin, respectively. The woodlands, which were strongly influenced by acid rain in the past, harboured several typical old-growth forest species such as Bacidia vermifera, Calicium viride, Chaenotheca brachypoda, C. chlorella and Sclerophora peronella. The bedrock of the Vranovské skály Nature Monument is made up of a mixture of acidic and calcareous sandstone rocks. The locality is rich in various crustose microlichens, many of which have only rarely been reported from the Czech Republic. Acrocordia conoidea, Arthonia calcicola, Bacidia arceutina, Bacidina egenula, Caloplaca albolutescens, C. dichroa, C. interfulgens, Diplotomma canescens, Lecania coeruleorubella, L. hutchinsiae, L. sylvestris, Leptogium plicatile and Verrucaria compacta represent the most valuable records. Sixty-one lichen species have been recorded historically, but 24 of them have not been confirmed recently. Most of them are rare epiphytes (Lobaria pulmonaria, Nephroma parile, Peltigera collina and several microlichens) and some are generally non-epiphytic lichens with cyanobacteria in the thallus or in the cephalodia (Peltigera horizontalis, P. polydactylon, Stereocaulon paschale, S. to- mentosum and Vahliella leucophaea). The current absence of these species was most probably caused by the acidification of their substrates by sulphur dioxide air pollution in the 20th century]
Malíček J., Bouda F., Kocourková J., Palice Z. & Peksa O.: Zajímavé nálezy zástupců rodu Lecanora v České republice, 24-39
[Interesting records of Lecanora species in the Czech Republic]
Abstract: [New records of 24 rare, endangered or overlooked Lecanora species are reported from the Czech Republic. Several of the species are endangered epiphytic lichens (L. allophana, L. glabrata, L. impudens and L. subcarpinea), some are rare or less known, predominantly lignicolous lichens (L. mughicola and L. sarcopidoides), two are typical high-mountain saxicolous species (L. albula and L. bicincta), two others occur on calcareous rocks (L. agardhiana and L. rouxii), and a few names represent rarely reported taxa on siliceous rocks (e.g. L. gisleriana, L. lojkaeana, L. pannonica and L. subcarnea). New Red List categories are suggested for some species. ]
Bouda F., Konečná E., Malíček J., Svoboda D., Uhlík P. & Vondrák J.: Lišejníky zaznamenané během 25. jarního setkání bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Horažďovicích v dubnu 2018, 40-52
[Lichens recorded during the 25th spring meeting of the Bryological and lichenological section of the CBS in Horažďovice, April 2018]
Abstract: [We present a list of 176 lichenized and three non-lichenized fungi recorded in the Sušice and Horažďovice regions of Southwest Bohemia in April 2018 during the 25th spring meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society. We focused on limestone and silicate rocks and rocky outcrops occurring in this lichenologically poorly known area. Caloplaca epierodens is new to the Czech Republic and Gyalecta geoica is new to Bohemia. One of two known Czech localities of the cyanolichen Placynthium caesium is located in the area. Several other rare and remarkable species were found in the region, for example Caloplaca erodens, C. limonia, Diplotomma porphyricum, Dirina stenhammarii, Lecania cuprea, Lecanora rouxii, Lepraria diffusa, L. nivalis, Leptogium teretiusculum, Lichinella nigritella, Metamelanea caesiella, Psora decipiens, Rhizocarpon petraeum, Solorina saccata, Toninia aromatica and Verrucaria caerulea ]
Dřevojan P., Kubešová S. & Procházková J.: Entosthodon hungaricus - nový druh bryoflóry České republiky, 53-61
[Entosthodon hungaricus, a new species for bryoflora of the Czech Republic]
Abstract: [The moss Entosthodon hungaricus (Boros) Loeske (Funariaceae) was found in the Czech Republic for the first time near the town of Újezd u Brna south-east of the city of Brno (southern Moravia) in May 2017. Entosthodon hungaricus was growing in a saline grassland of the vegetation class Festuco-Puccinellietea in a rut made by a tractor. The place was flooded in early spring but already parched in May. The moss grew on open soil at the bottom of the rut together with the endangered annual vascular plants Cerastium dubium and Myosurus minimus. These plants prefer similar ecological conditions in inland saline meadows as E. hungaricus, which inhabits disturbed places with sufficient amounts of water in early spring that gradually dry out later. The new record represents the northernmost occurrence of E. hungaricus in the Pannonian region ]
Lukáč M. & Markuliak M.: Pečeňovky a rožteky horného povodia rieky Slatiny, 62-71
[Liverworts and hornworts of the upper catchment area of the Slatina river (Slovakia)]
Abstract: [The contribution presents the results of a liverwort and a hornwort floristic survey of the upper catchment area of the Slatina River in Central Slovakia. In total, 37 liverworts and one hornwort were recorded, including one Vulnerable hornwort (Phaeoceros carolinianus) and one Lower Risk – Near Threatened liverwort (Fossombronia wondraczekii) ]
Konečná E.: Ekologie lišejníků ve vztahu s funkční diverzitou a velikostí genomu, 72-75
[Lichen ecology in the relationship to functional diversity and genome size]
Abstract: [The relationship between functional traits and diversity is an interesting topic in lichenology. Although it has been addressed by only a few studies, some interesting patterns have already been observed. There are only scant data on the genome size of lichen symbionts, but future studies might reveal a similar ecological pattern as have already been found for other groups of organisms ]
Dřevojan P., Holá E., Jandová L., KošnarJ., Kubešová S., Kučera J., Manukjanová A., Mikulášková E., Müller F., Peterka T., Štechová T. & Štěrbová J.: Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXX, 76-83
[Interesting bryofloristic records, XXX]
Abstract: [Buxbaumia viridis, Calliergon giganteum, Campylophyllum halleri, Dicranum elongatum, Didymodon tophaceus, Drepanocladus sendtneri, Grimmia plagiopodia, Lophozia ascendens, Moerckia blyttii, Obtusifolium obtusum, Paludella squarrosa, Pseudobryum cinclidioides, Pterygoneurum lamellatum, Schljakovia kunzeana, Tetralophozia setiformis]
Malíček J.: Zprávy ze sekce: 11. mezinárodní mykologický kongres, 84-85
[News from the section ]
Malíček J., Novotný P. & Tkáčiková J.: Zprávy ze sekce: 30. podzimní bryologicko-lichenologické dny na Broumovsku, 85-86
[News from the section ]
Palice Z.: Zprávy ze sekce: Třicet tisíc publikací v lichenologické databázi jjh, 86-87
[News from the section ]
Anonymus: Zprávy ze sekce: Bryonora na webu, 87-87
[News from the section ]
Anonymus: Zprávy ze sekce: Volby do výboru bryologicko-lichenologicke sekce ČBS, 87-87
[News from the section ]
Anonymus: Zprávy ze sekce: nový šéfredaktor Bryonory, 87-87
[News from the section ]
Malíček J.: Zprávy ze sekce: cena Josefa Holuba, 88-88
[News from the section ]
Malíček J.: Žurnál klub: Revoluce v taxonomii vousatců rodu Bryoria sekce Implexae, 89-90
[Journal club]
Malíček J.: Žurnál klub: geografická vzdálenost podporuje genetickou izolovanost populací specializovaných lišejníků, 90-90
[Journal club]
Kubešová S. & Plášek V.: Zpráva o činnosti bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v roce 2015, 91-92
Kubešová S. & Plášek V.: Zpráva o činnosti bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v roce 2016, 93-94
Kubešová S. & Plášek V.: Zpráva o činnosti bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v roce 2017, 95-96

Publishing scope of the Bryonora bulletin:

  • short original and compilatory contributions from the fields of bryology and lichenology
  • reports from the Section's activities and conferences
  • reviews
  • interesting lichenological and bryological records from the Czech Republic
  • personalia
  • informations about activities of similar abroad organizations
  • curiosities and other informations from bryology and lichenology
  • complete listing of Czech and Slovak bryological and lichenological literature

Contributions are to be mailed to the editor's address: Pavel Dřevojan (Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pavel.Drevojan(at)seznam.cz)

Next issue (63) is scheduled for June 2019

Deadline for the following issue (63) will be due 30. April 2019



Informations for contributors


We are accepting manuscripts concerned with various fields of bryology and/or lichenology, which are aimed at the Czech and Slovak audience, e.g. concerning the region of the Czech and Slovak Republics or of any other special interest to this region. The manuscripts should not exceed ca. 6 printed pages (longer contributions should be first consulted with the editor). They should be written in either Czech or Slovak but English or German is acceptable if the author's native language is neither Czech nor Slovak. Contributions are reviewed, the editor asks specialists to review the text and recommends eventual revisions.

Name of the contribution has to be translated in English (or Czech in case of English/German texts). Informative English-written abstract and keywords are requested. English- and German-written contributions have to be provided with Czech summary (the editor will translate the summary from English/German when needed).
Text of the contribution should be supplied electronically (rich text file or MS Word). Do not use excessive formatting - if possible use only italics for names of the taxa and different style(s), named Heading 1, 2... for the heading(s). Figures, tables and their captions should be positioned at the end of the file or as separate files if these are larger. Show only the numbered position of the reference in the text. Objects from other applications (graphic files, MS Excel graphs etc.) should always be sent as separate files (do not include them into the text editor), graphic files should not be saved using the lossy compression (e.g. the format *.jpg). Photographs cannot be accepted, neither in the digital form (exceptions can be granted upon contributing towards the cost of publication). For the way of literature references please consult the latest issues of the Bulletin and the following recommendations.

Some essential rules:

  • Author names are separated by commas, intials are followed by a dot, multiple initials are separated by space. The last author is connected with the previous one by the ampersand (&). All authors are listed.
  • Year of publication stands in round brackets, followed by a colon.
  • The title is separated from other bibliographic data by a dash (-), all taxa names stand in italics. For sequence of bibligraphic informations in book chapters see the example below.
  • The journal titles are given in full, books are supplied with the information about publisher and its location.
  • The pagination is separated by a dash (-), not a hyphen (-) without space, page number in books are given in square brackets at the line end.
  • The manuscripts are cited similarly to book titles, the location and type of the manuscript can be given in square brackets at the line end.

Author instructions

Bryonora is the journal of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society. We accept manuscripts concerned with various fields of bryology and lichenology which are aimed mainly at the Czech and Slovak audience. Manuscripts up to c. 15 pages in Czech, Slovak or English are accepted for the publication. Each paper is assessed by two reviewers. English-written abstract and key words are requested. Please, do not format the manuscripts into a final form – use only basic text forms like bold and italics. Figures, graphs and tables are preferentially accepted as separate files. Colored photos are welcome. TIF and JPG formats are preferred. The minimal width of graphical objects is 1400 pixels. Offprints of papers are available in PDF on this websites. Citation rules follow the last issue of Bryonora. Some essential citation rules: Author names are separated by commas, initials are followed by a dot and multiple initials are separated by space. The last author is connected with the previous one by the ampersand (&). All authors are listed. Year of publication stands in round brackets, followed by a colon. The title is separated from other bibliographic data by a dash (–), all taxa names stand in italics. The journal titles are given in full; books are supplied with the information about publisher and its location. The pagination is separated by a dash (–), not a hyphen (-), without space. The manuscripts are cited similarly to book titles, the location and type of the manuscript can be given in square brackets at the line end.

Examples to the above rules:

Kocourková J. (2000): Lichenicolous fungi of the Czech Republic (the first commented checklist). - Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Ser. B, 55: 59-169.

Alvarez J., Paz-Bermúdez G. & Sánchez-Biezma M. J. (2001): Estudio quimiotaxonómico del género Ramalina Ach. (Lecanorales, Ascomycotina) en Galicia (NW de Espana). - Cryptogamie, Mycologie 22: 271-287.

Milde J. (1869): Bryologia Silesiaca. - A. Felix, Leipzig. [ix + 410 pp.]

Liška J. & Pišút I. (1995): Lišajníky. - In: Kotlaba F. (ed.), Červená kniha ohrozených a vzácnych druhov rastlín a živočíchov SR a ČR 4. Sinice a riasy, huby, lišajníky, machorasty, p. 120-156, Príroda, Bratislava.

Buryová B. (1996): Rozšíření druhů rodu Philonotis v České republice. - Ms., 86 pp. [Mgr. thesis, Přírodovědecká fakulta UK Praha]

Pirkenfels J. (1710?): Mappa Circuli Boleslaviensis. - Ms. [Depon. in: Ústřední Státní Archiv, Praha. Sign. 476/h AVII]

Reprints are not printed but are available as *.pdf files (select in form)


Reviews are accepted only in Czech and Slovak.


Last modified: January 8 2019 06:13 by Jan Kučera