
Štechová T., Holá E., Gutzerová N., Hradílek Z., Kubešová S., Lysák F., Novotný I. & Peterka T.Současný stav lokalit druhů Meesia triquetra a Paludella squarrosa (Meesiaceae) v České republice1–11
Present state of Meesia triquetra and Paludella squarrosa (Meesiaceae) localities in the Czech Republic
Abstract: Populations of two critically endangered moss species Meesia triquetra and Paludella squarrosa were investigated at all recently known localities in the Czech Republic. At each locality, population size, water chemistry, and vegetation characteristics were recorded. Recently, Meesia triquetra occurs at only 4 localities and its populations are mostly critically small, Paludella squarrosa grows at 10 localities and some populations are relatively large. Both species prefer slightly acid to neutral habitats with a stable water table height.
Hájková P., Jiroušek M. & Shaw B.Sphagnum rubellum, extrémně vzácný druh na jesenických vrchovištích: výsledky terénního průzkumu a revize herbářových položek12–18
Sphagnum rubellum, extremely rare species in bogs of the Hrubý Jeseník Mts: results of field research and revision of herbarium specimens
Abstract: We revised the distribution of Sphagnum rubellum in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts (Czech Republic). Contrary to previous expectations, revision of herbarium specimens proved only the occurrence of this species in the Rejvíz bog and in another mire that no longer exists near the Dolní Lipová village. Detailed field research of saddle bogs brought one new record from the Trojmezí bog (close to Vozka Mt.). Sphagnum russowii is the dominating species from section Acutifolia in bogs of the study area. Predominance of S. russowii over S. rubellum could be explained by the relatively short Holocene history, small area of bogs, shallow peat layer or hybridization.
Malíček J.Zajímavé nálezy lišejníků v údolí Kocáby u Nového Knína (Střední Čechy)19–30
Interesting records of lichens in the Kocába brook valley near Nový Knín (Central Bohemia)
Abstract: This contribution gives a list of rare, noteworthy and overlooked lichens recorded in the Kocába brook valley near Nový Knín (Middle Vltava Region, Central Bohemia) during several excursions in 2009. This area is strongly influenced by long-term land use: agriculture, forestry, gold mining etc. The lichen flora (especially epiphytic flora) is poorly developed. The ubiquitous acidophilous species distinctly predominate. It is caused by the absence of suitable substrates, former and present air pollution, and the long-term land use. Flavoparmelia caperata, Loxospora elatina, and Pycnora sorophora represent the more precious epiphytic lichens. The shady outcrops of siliceous rocks with Cystocoleus ebeneus, Lecanactis latebrarum, Opegrapha gyrocarpa, and Enterographa zonata occur quite often in the Kocába brook valley. In the study area the valuable lichen communities grow on iron-rich substrates. Acarospora sinopica, Lecanora epanora, and Rhizocarpon furfurosum are characteristic of these communities. Lecanora compallens and Rhizocarpon furfurosum are both reported for the second time from the Czech Republic.
Vondrák J., Merkulova O. & Redchenko O.Několik pozoruhodných lišejníků z Šumavského předhůří31–35
Several noteworthy lichens found in the foothills of the Šumava Mts, South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Abstract: Two interesting sorediate crusts, Arthonia endlicheri and Dirina aff. stenhammari, were found on overhangs of gneiss outcrops in forested slopes near an artificial lake in the foothills of the Ńumava Mts, South Bohemia. The latter species is related to, but not conspecific with, Dirina stenhammari; it has an identical chemistry and similar morphology, but its ITS sequence differ from various Dirina stenhammari populations (data not shown in this paper). Dirina aff. stenhammari was highly parasitised by the lichenicolous hyphomycete Milospium graphideorum, new to the Czech Republic. Arthonia endlicheri was not rarely collected in Central Europe until the middle of 20th century; we revised PRM herbarium material from the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, and the Ukrainian Carpathians. Nowadays, it is considered extinct in some Central European countries; in the Czech Republic, it had previously not been seen for more than 50 years. Other noteworthy lichens recorded at the same locality are Agonimia gelatinosa, A. vouauxii, Lecanactis latebrarum, Leptogium tenuissimum, and Porocyphus coccodes.
Vondrák J., Halda J. P., Malíček J. & Müller A.Lišejníky zaznamenané během jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání ve Chřibech v dubnu 201036–42
Lichens recorded during the Spring Bryo-Lichenological Meeting in Chřiby Mts (Czech Republic), April 2010
Abstract: 127 lichen-forming fungi have been recorded from the Chřiby Mts in southern Moravia, a region previously lacking lichenological investigation. The region is rather dry and poor in lichens, especially macrolichens, but there were interesting records of inconspicuous microlichens, e.g. Agonimia repleta, Arthonia helvola, Bacidia pycnidiata, Bacidina neosquamulosa, Biatoridium monasteriense, Lecanora leptyrodes, Macentina dictyospora, Ramonia interjecta, Thelenella vezdae, Thelidium minutulum and Thelocarpon intermediellum, and poorly known or rare lichens, e.g. Biatora efflorescens, Cladonia peziziformis, Lecanora leptyrores, Leptogium pulvinatum, Mycobilimbia epixanthoides, Opegrapha viridis, Pertusaria ocellata, Placopyrenium trachyticum and Pyrenula nitidella. The distribution and frequency of Halecania viridescens appears to have increased in the Czech Republic, and Caloplaca oasis is new to the Czech Republic. Records of little known species outside Chřiby Mts are also listed.
Kučera J., ed.Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XV.43–45
Interesting bryofloristic records, XV
AnonymousZprávy ze Sekce46–47
News from the Section
AnonymousZměny v adresáři Sekce47–47
Changes to Membership directory
Svoboda D. & Mikulášková E.Výročí [J. Váňa]48–49
Anniversary [J. Váňa]
Váňa J.Recenze [Ochyra R., Lewis Smith R. I. & Bednarek-Ochyra H. (2008): The Illustrated Moss Flora of Antarctica. Cambridge University Press]49–50
Review [Ochyra R., Lewis Smith R. I. & Bednarek-Ochyra H. (2008): The Illustrated Moss Flora of Antarctica. Cambridge University Press]
Váňa J.Recenze [Kolektiv [Kubešová S., Musil Z., Novotný I., Plášek V., Zmrhalová M.] (2009): Mechorosty – součást naší přírody. Český svaz ochránců přírody, ZO Hořepník, Prostějov]50–52
Review [Kolektiv [Kubešová S., Musil Z., Novotný I., Plášek V., Zmrhalová M.] (2009): Mechorosty – součást naší přírody. Český svaz ochránců přírody, ZO Hořepník, Prostějov]
Palice Z.Nová lichenologická literatura XIX.53–63
New lichenological literature, XIX
Kučera J., Kubešová S., Hájek M., Holá E., Němcová L. & Plášek V.Nová bryologická literatura XXII.63–84
New bryological literature, XXII