Plášek V. & Marková I.: Orthotrichum tenellum – nový mech pro bryoflóru České republiky, 1–3 Orthotrichum tenellum – a new moss species for bryoflora of the Czech Republic Abstract: The epiphytic moss Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch ex Brid. was found for the first time in the Czech Republic in Labské pískovce Protected Landscape Area in 2008. According to literature data, several records were published from the country but all available specimens of the species proved to be incorrectly identified. |
Kučera J., Kučerová V., Kubešová S., Holá E., Vicherová E., Štechová T. & Jandová J.: Bryofloristický příspěvek z Tišnovska, 4–10 Bryofloristic contribution from the Tišnov region, Southern Moravia Abstract: Two larger-scaled bryofloristic excursions and inventories occurred in 2011 in the Tińnov region, Southern Moravia. These events that brought together a greater-than-usual density of bryologists into the interesting region at the edge of Českomoravská vrchovina foothills and the warm region of Southern Moravia yielded a total of 233 recorded bryophyte taxa. The earlier relatively well-documented area is notable for the occurrence of both montane and dealpine elements, as well as many thermophilous species. Plagiopus oederianus, Saelania glaucescens, Scapania aspera or S. gymnostomophila belong to the most interesting confirmed species of the montane character, whereas Asterella saccata, Didymodon cordatus, Seligeria calcarea and Trichostomum caespitosum were the notable thermophilous bryophytes recorded (T. caespitosum rediscovered at the locality after 64 years!), while Philonotis capillaris might represent the rare element of middle to lower altitudes. The region seems to suffer most severely from degradation of xero-thermophilous vegetation, mostly caused by the gradual succession of woods. |
Kučera J. & Váňa J.: Játrovka Microlejeunea ulicina (Taylor) A. Evans potvrzena v České republice, 11–13 The liverwort Microlejeunea ulicina (Taylor) A. Evans confirmed in the Czech Republic Abstract: Microlejeunea ulicina was recently recorded in South Bohemia, Czech Republic, as an admixture in a patch of Metzgeria violacea. Although the species was earlier included among taxa occurring in the Czech Republic, historical specimens were never located and even the historical report was indirect, based on the plausible interpretation of the report of Cololejeunea minutissima. The recent record is interpreted in the light of the recent accumulation of epiphytic records, continuing the recent spread of the species in neighbouring Bavaria and Austria. |
Dítě D., Šoltés R., Hájková P. & Hájek M.: Reliktný druh Catoscopium nigritulum (Bryophyta) na slatinných rašeliniskách Západných Karpát (Slovensko), 14–20 Black Golf Club Moss (Catoscopium nigritum) in fens of the West Carpathians (Slovakia) Abstract: Catoscopium nigritum (Hedw.) Brid. is bipolar moss species, with a large circumpolar distribution range in the Northern Hemisphere. The centre of its distribution range lies at high latitudes. At its southern range limit, its occurrence is scattered and restricted to the mountains. The same distribution pattern is known from the West Carpathians (Slovakia), where the species is rare and endangered, and where most records came from the alpine belt of the Belianske Tatry Mts. Besides mountains, the species has been rarely recorded in the calcareous fens in the altitudes of 680–940 m a.s.l., where it probably represents the relict from the Late Glacial. Occurrence in fens is restricted to the foothills of the Malá Fatra Mts, Popradská kotlina basin and Slovenský raj National Park, where 6 localities have been recorded. In this study, the recent distribution of C. nigritum in Slovak fens is reviewed and data about vegetation and environmental conditions of fens with its occurrence are presented. |
Váňa J.: Přínos botaniků 19. století narozených a působících na českém území k nomenklatuře a taxonomii mechorostů. III. Další bryologové či botanikové zabývající se mechorosty, 21–33 Contribution of botanists of 19th century born and working in the area of the present Czech Republic to the nomenclature and taxonomy of bryophytes. III. Additional bryologists or botanists dealing with bryophytes Abstract: The third and last article of the series is devoted to the botanists Karl Bořivog Presl, Joseph Poech, Josef Dědecek, Ernst Bauer and Franz Matouschek. Short biography, their contribution to bryology, information about their herbaria and publications with bryological data are presented. The core of the article is the list of taxa of bryophytes published or only named (in sched.) by these authors; valid taxa are printed in boldface. Complete bibliographic references and the information about the revision and present categorization of these taxa are given. |
Malíček J., Bouda F., Palice Z. & Peksa O.: Zajímavé nálezy vzácných a přehlížených dutohlávek v České republice, 34–50 Interesting records of rare and overlooked Cladonia species in the Czech Republic Abstract: The recent records of 23 rare and overlooked Cladonia species are summarized. Maps of distribution of C. norvegica and recent findings of C. peziziformis and C. portentosa in the Czech Republic are included. Comments on ecology, distribution, phytogeography and changes in distribution are presented for all species. C. amaurocraea, C. asahinae, C. cariosa, C. incrassata, C. parasitica, C. peziziformis, C. stellaris, and C. turgida represent the most valuable records. |
Petrášová A., Hrivnák R. & Slezák M.: Bryoflóra jelšín stredného Slovenska v širších geografických a cenologických súvislostiach, 51–58 Bryoflora of alder vegetation in central Slovakia with respect to wider geographical and coenological context Abstract: Species composition and occurrence of bryophytes within alder-dominated forest vegetation in central Slovakia is presented. Although variation of species richness among the sites is considerable, the moss layer plays an important role in the community structure. Altogether 75 bryophytes species (13 liverworts and 62 mosses) were documented on 126 localities with diverse moisture properties during the vegetation periods 2009–2011. The most interesting finding is that of Sphagnum contortum. Special attention was given to discussion of species linkage either on vegetation type or present region. Several of mosses have a significant diagnostic value for the studied both vegetation types and region. |
Kučera J.: Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XVIII., 59–67 Interesting bryofloristic records, XVIII |
Anonymous: Zprávy ze Sekce, 68–68 News from the section |
Dítě D.: Recenze, 68–70 Review |
Anonymous: Změny v adresáři Sekce , 71–71 Changes to Membership directory |
Liška J.: Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XXIV., 72–74 Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography, XXIV |
Kučera J., Kubešová S. & Plášek V.: Nová bryologická literatura XXV., 75–84 New bryological literature, XXV |