
Soldán Z.Nová bryologická literatura VII26–28
Liška J.Č̌eská a slovenská lichenogická bibliografie XI24–26
Gutzerová N.Lichenologicko-bryologické zážitky z Islandu23–23
Liška J.Mezinárodní workshop na Ukrajině22–23
Pišút I.Zbierka machov M. Beňu v Slovenskom národnom múzeu22–22
Novotný I.Recenze: Nyholm, E.: Illustrated Flora of Nordic Mosses. Fase. 4. - Nord. Bryol. Soc., Copenhagen and Lund21–21
Váňa J.Jette Lewinsky Haapasaari (1948-1998)21–21
Novotný I.Stodvacáté výročí narození profesora Josefa Podpěry a poznámka k jeho pozůstalosti18–20

Abstract: The article briefly characterizes significant bryological papers of Prof. Josef Podpěra, his important activiues and his collections deposited at the Botanical Department of the Moravian Museum in Brno
AnonymusZajímavé nálezy16–17

Abstract: Campylopus introflexus, Hedwigia ciliata var. leucophaea, Orthodontium lineare, Physcomitrium eurystomum, Bacidina inundata, Peltigera didactyla, Peltigera praetextata
Voříšková L. & Vincenecová K.Zprávy ze sekce17–18
Michálek M. & Pišút I.Príspevok k poznaniu lišajníkov okolia Moravskej Třebovej15–16
Contribution to the knowledge oflichens in the Moravská Třebová area
Abstract: Several lichens collected in the vicinity of the town Moravská Třebová by M. Michálek in 1973 and determined by I. Pišút are listed. The occurrence of acidophilous lichens (especially of Lecanora conizaeoides) and scarcity of mederately sensitive species confirm the deterioration of epiphytic lichen flora there even in the early seventies
Lisická E.Porina lectissima a P. leptalea - nové druhy lichenoflóry Slovenska13–15
Porina lectissima and P. leptalea - new lichens to Slovakia
Abstract: Porina lectissima and P. leptalea (Trichotheliaceae. Trichotheliales, Ascomycetes lichenisati) are reported from Slovakia (the Polána Mts and the Velká Fatra Mts resp.) for the first time. An identification key to five species of Porina known from Slovakia is presented
Pospíšil V.Naše bryologické dědictví12–13

Abstract: The importance of work of previous generations is stressed, especially for young bryologists
Plášek V.Seznam mechorostů zaznamenaných během jarního bryologicko- lichenologického setkání - Huslenky 19989–12
A list of bryophytes recorded during the Spring Bryological-Lichenological Meeting in Huslenky, 1998
Abstract: A list of bryophytes collected during the Spring Bryological-Lichenological Meeting is given. The event took place in the Hostýnské vrchy Mts, the Javorníky Mts, the Vizovické vrchy Mts and in the Vsetínská kotlina basin.
Kučera J.Klíč k určování českých zástupců rodu Didymodon Hedw. s poznámkami k rozšíření a ekologie jednotlivých druhů2–8
Determination key to the Czech species of the genus Didymodon Hedw. with notes on their ecology and distribution
Abstract: The author presents a key to the Czech species of the genus Didymodon Hedw. and short notes on their ecology and distribution in the Czech Republic. The problems regarding the generic concept of Didymodon are briefly discussed.