Pilous Z.: Mech Orthotrichum urnigerum Myr. v České a Slovenské republice, 2–2 The moss Orthotrichum urnigerum Myr. in the Czech and Slovak Republics Abstract: Many species of the genus Orthotrichum are rare/threatened species of moss flora of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Author discusses changing distribution of Orthotrichum urnigerum Myr. during last decades. |
Pilous Z.: Catoscopium nigritum (Hedw.) Brid. na Slovensku, 3–4 Catoscopium nigritum (Hedw.) Brid. in Slovakia Abstract: Catoscopium nigritum (Hedw.) Brid. is subarctic(-subalpine) species (cf. Düll 1985) and its distribution reaches mountains of Central Europe. This species regarded as rare (Kubinská et Janovicová 1996) in the Slovak Republic has relatively lots of localities in mountains of Slovakia. As well as in other countries, in Slovakia it grows sometimes at lowland localities, where is probably as a glacial relict. |
Liška J., Palice Z. & Bayerová Š.: Cladonia luteoalba a C. norvegica – nové dutohlávky pro ČR, 4–7 Cladonia luteoalba and C. norvegica, new lichens for the Czech Republic Abstract: Cladonia luteoalba Wils. et Wheld. and C. norvegica Tonsberg et Holien are reported for the first time from the Czech Republic. Chemical analysis (TLC) confirmed usnic and squamatic acid (C. luteoalba) and barbatic acid (C. norvegica). Both species seemed to be rather rare in Central Europe till now but might be only overlooked. |
Orthová V. & Pišút I.: Niekoľko zaujímavých lišajníkov z okolia Bratislavy, 8–9 A few interesting lichens from the vicinity of Bratislava, SW Slovakia Abstract: A few new findings of the endangered lichens Chaenotheca stemonea, Lecania naegelii (both in the grove Panónsky háj near Svätý Jur), Cladonia magyarica (park in Rusovce), of overlooked Dimerella pineti (swamp forest Šúrsky les, park in Rusovce) and Cladonia rei (Nature Reserve Ostrovné lúčky near Čunovo) from the vicinity of Bratislava are presented. |
Anonymous: Zajímavé nálezy, 9–10 Interesting floristic findings |
Anonymous: Zprávy ze sekce, 10–11 News from the Section |
Kubinská A.: Výročí [Dvesté výročie úmrtia profesora Johanna Hedwiga], 12–13 Anniversary [200 years after J. Hedwig’s death] Abstract: 200 years passed since Johannes Hedwig – the father of bryology – passed away. A brief summary of his biography is presented. |
Anonymous: Výročí [B. Stein, V. B. Mann, A. Hilitzer], 13–13 Anniversary [B. Stein, V. B. Mann, A. Hilitzer] |
Váňa J.: Odešli (R.N. Šljakov, U. Cogt), 13–14 Obituary (R.N. Šljakov, U. Cogt) |
Anonymous: Různé, 14–15 Miscellanea |
Anonymous: On line, 15–15 On line |
Soldán Z. (ed.): Česká a slovenská bryologická bibliografie XI., 16–19 Czech and Slovak bryological bibliography XI. |
Palice Z. (ed.): Nová lichenologická literatura VIII., 19–23 New lichenological literature VIII. |