
Steinová J., Bouda F., Malíček J., Palice Z., Peksa O., Svoboda D. & Vondrák J.Poznámky k rozšíření a ekologickým preferencím zástupců skupiny Cladonia coccifera v České republice 4–19
Notes on distribution and ecological preferences of Cladonia coccifera group members in the Czech Republic 
Abstract: Recent distributions of Cladonia borealis, C. carneola, C. diversa, and C. straminea in the Czech Republic are summarized and their maps provided. Comments on ecological preferences of all Cladonia coccifera group members are presented. C. straminea is the rarest species restricted to relict habitats (e.g. screes) in cold places, especially at high altitudes. C. pleurota represents the commonest species of the complex in the Czech Republic. It tolerates shady habitats in contrast to other red-fruited members of the group. C. coccifera is quite common in mountain regions but rare in areas with mild climates. C. diversa is another common species but it differs in its ecological preferences. It occurs in xerothermic grasslands, heathlands, dumps, and on sand and on sandstone rocks. C. borealis is tolerant of ultrabasic (serpentinite) substrata and most of its localities reported here are in Western Bohemia. Cladonia carneola is a rare species and occurs mainly on rotten wood in mountain areas. Cladonia,CzechRepublic,distribution,lichendiversity. 
Šoun J., Bouda F., Kocourková J., Malíček J., Peksa O., Svoboda D., Uhlík P. & Vondrák J.Lišejníky zaznamenané během jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS na Manětínsku (západní Čechy) v dubnu 2014 20–36
Lichens recorded during the spring meeting of the Bryolo- gical and lichenological section CBS in the Manětín region (Western Bohemia), April 2014 
Abstract: A list of 280 lichen species and 21 non-lichenized fungi recorded from the Manětín region during the spring meeting of the bryological and lichenological section of the Czech Botanical Society in April 2014 is pre- sented. Lecanora pannonica, Rhizocarpon sorediosum and Rinodina teichophila are new to the Czech Republic. A number of noteworthy epiphytic lichens are reported from the castle park in Nečtiny (e.g. Sclerophora pallida, Bacidia circumspecta, Lecania cyrtellina, Calicium sp. div., Chaenotheca sp. div.), shrubs and young larch plantations (e.g. Evernia divaricata, E. mesomorpha, Hypogymnia farinacea, Melanohalea exasperata, Nephromopsis laureri, Usnea sp. div.). Other remarkable records from slate and basaltic rocks are Immersaria athroocarpa, Leptogium magnussonii, Opegrapha lithyrga, Peltigera elisabethae, Pertusaria leucosora, P. pseudocorallina, Schismatomma umbrinum, from trees Caloplaca lobulata and Lecania prasinoides, and from anthropogenic substrates Lecania coeruleorubella, basaltic rocks, Lecanora pannonica, lichen diversity, Rhizocarpon sorediosum, Rinodina teichophila 
Guttová A., Lackovičová A. & Fačkovcová Z.Diverzita lišajníkov Prírodnej rezervácie Klapy (CHKO Strážovské vrchy) 37–45
Lichen diversity of Nature Reserve Klapy (Protected Landscape Area Strážovské vrchy) 
Abstract: We present the outputs of a pilot lichenological survey of the Nature Reserve Klapy (NW Slovakia; 6.22 ha), an elevation point topped with limestone cliffs and outcrops, being a part of a klippen-belt which lines the Inner Western Carpathians. The list comprises 122 taxa recorded in forest biotopes and xerotherms, on tree bark, rocky substrates and on soil. The most interesting entries are: Agonimia vouauxii, so far not reported from Slovakia, and species with few records until now, e. g. Piccolia ochrophora, Xanthoria sorediata, Dirina stenhammari and Leptogium turgidum. Distinct macrolichen components of limestone rock faces include Anaptychia ciliaris, Physconia muscigena, Phaeophyscia sciastra, Physcia dimidiata, P. tribacia, Psora testacea, Ramalina pollinaria. Species of rock fissures include e.g. Leptogium schraderi, Toninia aromatica and T. taurica. biodiversity, Western Carpathians 
Malíček J.Lišejníky NPP Medník v údolí Sázavy (střední Čechy) 46–55
Lichens of Medník National Nature Monument in the Sázava River valley (Central Bohemia) 
Abstract: During 2013 and 2014 the lichen diversity of the protected area Medník was explored. The locality is dominated by natural deciduous forests like scree, beech and oak-hornbeam forests. Small volcanic rocky outcrops and shady boulder screes are present as well. The lichen flora consists of 111 recorded species, with saxicolous and epiphytic species predominating. Although the character of the area (the low age of forests, only small rocky outcrops, air pollution in the past) predicts more or less low lichen diversity, several rare species were recorded. The rare or overlooked lichens from the Medník locality are Arthonia atra, A. didyma, Bacidia trachona, Bacidina caligans, Endocarpon psorodeum, Pertusaria aspergilla, Pyrenula nitidella, Verrucaria fusca, and V. memnonia. lichen diversity, lowland broad-leaved forests, volcanic rocks. 
Wagner B.Lišejníky Vrchu Bořeně (severní Čechy) 56–63
Lichens of the Hill Bořeň (northern Bohemia) 
Abstract: This contribution presents results of the first licheno-floristic survey of the Bořeň National Nature Reserve, a phonolite hill south of Bílina in Northern Bohemia. The lichenological fieldwork was undertaken between 2011– 2013. The reserve is characterized by xerothermic vegetation (rocks, grass- lands). Eighty - six taxa of lichen-forming fungi were identified. The rocky steppe on dry south-facing hillside is the richest biotope for lichens. The area is relatively rich for saxicolous and poor for terricolous species. The most interesting finds were epiphytic lichens Usnea subfloridana, U. scabrata and U. substerilis. diversity, rocky steppe, phonolite, Usnea substerilis 
Zvěřinová G.Sekundární metabolity lišejníků a jejich funkce 64–67
Secondary metabolites of lichens and their functions 
Abstract: Lichens produce a great variety of secondary metabolites, most of which are not known from vascular plants and unique to lichens. Besides the role of these compounds in chemotaxonomy and systematics, lichen secondary metabolites exhibit various biological functions and can affect biotic and abiotic interactions of lichens with their environment. This article reviews available literature on biotic interactions of lichens affected by secondary metabolites – allelopathy, antiherbivory and antimicrobial activity. allelopathy, antimicrobial activity, herbivory 
Jadrná I.Lišejníky a eutrofizace 68–72
Lichens and eutrophication 
Abstract: Eutrophication is the process of nutrient enrichment of an ecosystem. The chemicals most responsible for eutrophication are compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus. The effect of nitrogen compounds in the air and their combination with phosphorus on epiphytic lichens is considered. It is universally acknowledged that with a rising concentration of nitrogen there is gradual decrease in the number of acidophytes and increase of nitrophytes. In extreme cases, with increasing concentrations of nitrogen even the nitrophytes will be adversely impacted and eventually there will be a complete loss of a lichen cover. However a balanced supply of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds can lead to a higher growth of cyanolichens. Good indicators of eutrophication include the lichens Physconia grisea, Phaeophyscia orbicularis and Xanthoria parietina. ammonium ions, epiphytes, nitrogen oxides, phosphorus. 
Dřevojan P., Hradílek Z., Kubešová S. & Pokorná K.Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIV. 73–76
Interesting bryofloristic records, XXIV 
AnonymousZprávy ze Sekce 77–78
News from the Section 
Liška J.Personalia: K neuvěřitelným osmdesátinám – zdroje a součásti Ivana Pišúta 79–81
Personalia: K neuvěřitelným osmdesátinám – zdroje a součásti Ivana Pišúta [in Czech] 
Košuthová A.Personalia: Medzinárodný seminár na počesť jubilea RNDr. Ivana Pišúta, DrSc. 82–83
Personalia: Medzinárodný seminár na počesť jubilea RNDr. Ivana Pišúta, DrSc. [in Slovak] 
Hájek M.Personalia: Úmrtí – Kamil Rybníček (*1933) 83–84
Personalia: Úmrtí – Kamil Rybníček (*1933) [in Czech] 
Hájek M.Personalia: Rudolf Šoltés (*1945) – 70 LET 84–85
Personalia: Rudolf Šoltés (*1945) – 70 LET [in Czech] 
Váňa J.Personalia: René Schumacker (28. 11. 1937 – 10. 2. 2015) 85–85
Personalia: René Schumacker (28. 11. 1937 – 10. 2. 2015) [in Czech] 
Malíček J.Recenze [Felix Schumm & André Aptroot: Flechten Madeiras, der Kanaren und Azoren – Band 2] 86–87
Review [Felix Schumm & André Aptroot: Flechten Madeiras, der Kanaren und Azoren – Band 2]