
J. Vondrák, J. Šoun, U. Arup, A. Aptroot & O. RedchenkoCaloplaca ulcerosa, druh mořských pobřeží s pozoruhodným výskytem v České republice1–7
Caloplaca ulcerosa, a maritime species in Europe with a remarkable occurrence in the Czech Republic
Abstract: Caloplaca ulcerosa, known as an epiphytic species growing on the bark of broad-leaved trees, is newly recorded from stems of maritime shrubs and from shaded limestone rock. In Europe, ninety-five percent of 90 considered records are within 50 km from a sea coast, but the species does not show any other geographical tendencies. It is rather regularly distributed throughout Europe, North Africa and the Near East. The distribution pattern of C. ulcerosa is, therefore, considered maritime; it may be the first known example of a maritime distribution of a lichen generally growing on tree trunks. The remarkable occurrence in the Czech Republic with an abnormal ecology is discussed. The identity of the specimen is supported by molecular nrITS DNA data. Specimens called Caloplaca ulcerosa collected in the inland of North America are related but not conspecific with C. ulcerosa s. str. Caloplaca viperae, considered by Nimis a possible synonym to C. ulcerosa, is a blastidiate-isidiate taxon probably conspecific with C. herbidella.
J. Vondrák, J. Šoun, O. Redchenko, L. Likös & A. KhodosovtsevEkologické zvláštnosti pozorované u dvou druhů Caloplaca v pohoří Bükk v Maďarsku8–12
Populations of two Caloplaca species with peculiar ecology observed in the Bükk Mts, Hungary
Abstract: Species of Caloplaca appear to be strongly substrate specific in general. Caloplaca monacensis (related to C. cerina) and C. pyracea (related to C. holocarpa) are not exceptions; both are epiphytic species with rather restricted niches. The former is termophilous and baziphilous occurring in central and southern Europe, but the later occurs on nitrogen-rich barks throughout Europe. Possessing different ecology, both species can hardly grow side by side; however, we observed them together in rich populations on cherty limestone in the Bükk Mts. A specific SiO2 addition in the limestone rocks harbouring these species may explain this ecological abnormality. Identification of both species was confirmed by ITS nrDNA molecular data.
S. Kubešová, J. Tkačíková & M. DančákBryoflóra vybraných pískovcových výchozů na Vsetínsku13–20
Bryoflora of sandstone rocks in the Vsetín region, East Moravia, Czech Republic
Abstract: Bryoflora of six sandstone rock localities was explored in 2008 and 2009. All localities are situated close to the Vsetín town in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. The list of recorded species as well as older published records, and specimen records of herbarium in Valašské Meziříčí are shown. Brief notes on several noteworthy species are included.
I. Marková, S. Kubešová, P. Čížková, E. Mikulášková, Z. Musil, I. Novotný, Š. Škvárová & T. ŠtechováMechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 22. podzimních bryologickolichenologických dnů v Železných horách21–27
Bryophytes recorded during the 22nd Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the ČBS in the Železné hory Highlands (E Bohemia)
Abstract: 175 species of bryophytes recorded and/or collected during the 22th Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section in Železné hory Highlands in East Bohemia are listed. The most important records of criticaly endangered species Cephaloziella elegans and Hylocomium brevirostre and endangered species Zygodon rupestris are discussed.
A. Dingová & I. PišútDoplnky k poznaniu lišajníkov Borskej nížiny (juhozápadné Slovensko)28–33
Supplements to the knowledge of lichens of the Borská nížina lowland (SW Slovakia)
Abstract: New localities of 16 threatened or so far little-known lichens (lichenized fungi) from the Borská nížina lowland (SW Slovakia) are presented. Species Cladonia crispata and Phaeophyscia endophoenicea are new for this lowland. The distribution of Cladonia ciliata var. tenuis and C. crispata in Slovakia based on the revision of herbaria and excerption of literature is given.
J. Kučera (ed.)Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XIV.34–39
Interesting bryofloristic records, XIV
D. Svoboda (ed.)Zajímavé lichenologické nálezy V.39–40
Interesting records of lichens, V
AnonymousZprávy ze Sekce41–42
News from the Section
AnonymousZměny v adresáři Sekce43–43
Changes to Membership directory
A. Guttová, B. Shaw, J. VáňaÚmrtí [V. Slezáková roz. Orthová, W. B. Schofield, G. G. Hässel De Menéndez]43–45
Obituary [V. Slezáková née Orthová, W. B. Schofield, G. G. Hässel De Menéndez]
J. LiškaČeská a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XXII.46–48
Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography, XXII