
Wagner B., Peksa O., Svoboda D. & Ritterová-Zelinková J. Lišejníky vrchu Lovoše v Českém středohoří1–10
Lichens of the Lovoš Mt. (České středohoří Mts, Czech Republic)
Abstract: 127 taxa of lichen-forming fungi were found on Lovoš hill in the České Středohoří Mts (Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic) during the short cryptogamological excursion in 2004 and lichenological survey conducted by the first author during 2011–2013. The hill is covered by xerothermic grassland vegetation, developed on basalt and trachytic rocks, and a deciduous forest with specific lichen flora (including rare species such as Caloplaca grimmiae, Lecanora argopholis, Dimelaena oreina and Xanthoparmelia tinctina). Epiphytic flora of the Lovoš Mt. has been completely damaged by air pollution because of acidic emissions in the past, but recently the area is slowly recolonized by some acidophilous or nitrophilous lichens. A concise history of lichenological research in the area is included as well.
Kučera J., Plášek V., Kubešová S., Bradáčová J., Holá E., Košnar J., Kyselá M., Manukjanová A., Mikulášková E., Procházková J., Táborská M., Tkáčiková J. & Vicherová E. Mechorosty zaznamenané během podzimních 26. bryologicko-lichenologických dní (2013) v Beskydech11–21
Bryophytes recorded in course of the 26th Bryological and Lichenological Days (2013) in the Beskydy Mts (NE Moravia)
Abstract: Czech Botanical Society took place in the northeast-Moravian Beskydy Mts. The total of 221 bryophytes (60 liverworts and 161 moss species) recorded and/or collected during the Meeting’s excursions is listed in this contribution. The most important records included endangered taxa Bryum cyclophyllum, Pseudobryum cinclidioides, and Scorpidium revolvens, and vulnerable taxa Riccia warnstorfii, Syzygiella autumnalis, Buxbaumia viridis, Callicladium haldanianum, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, and Physcomitrium sphaericum.
Fačkovcová Z., Palice Z., Vondrák J., Liška J. & Guttová A.Lišajníky Cerovej vrchoviny (južné Slovensko)22–42
The lichens of Cerová vrchovina Mts (southern Slovakia)
Abstract: The list of 211 lichen taxa recorded from the Cerová vrchovina Mts is presented. This mountain range is specific because of the occurrence of volcanic outcrops, which form volcanic cones, diatreme and lava sheets and streams. The lichen flora was investigated on five localities – Natural Monuments Belinské skaly and Soví hrad, Nature Reserves Hajnáčsky hradný vrch and Steblová skala, and Ragáč National Nature Reserve. In this paper, we present the list of recorded species. We also included brief notes on nine noteworthy species – Acarospora irregularis, Caloplaca molariformis, C. raesaenenii, C. tominii, C. xerica, Catillaria fungoides, Diploicia canescens, Dirina stenhammari, Rhizoplaca chrysoleuca, as well as Aspicilia intermutans, Caloplaca flavocitrina and Leptogium magnussonii, which are reported for the first time from Slovakia.
Hradílek Z. (ed.)Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIII.43–48
Interesting bryofloristic records, XXIII
AnonymousZprávy ze Sekce49–51
News from the Section
AnonymousZměny v adresáři Sekce51–51
Changes in the list of members
Hájek M. & Mikulášková E.Zprávy o literatuře52–53
Report on literature
Liška J.Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XXVII.54–56
Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography, XXVII
Palice Z.Nová lichenologická literatura XXIII.57–68
New lichenological literature, XXIII