Kučera J.: Několik novinek v bryoflóře Národního parku Šumava, 2–3 Some novelties in the bryoflora of the Šumava National Park Abstract: Seven species new to the bryoflora of the Šumava Mts. have been found in the south-eastern part of the Šumava Mts. during the author’s August excursions: Brachythecium geheebii Milde, Bryum klinggraefii Schimp., Jryum badium (Brid.) Schimp., Pohlia lescuriana (Sull.) Grout, Dicranella staphyiina Whiteh. and Tortula norvegica (Web.) Wahlenb. & Lindb. Two other rare taxa, Brachydonlium trichodes (Web.) Milde and Hygrohypnum duriusculum (De Not.) Jamieson have been recorded after more than 80 years. |
Bureš P. & Novotný I.: Játrovky Žďárských vrchů, 4–9 Liverworts of Žďárské vrchy hills Abstract: Ninety eight species of liverworts and homworts have been reported from the region of the Žďárské vrchy hills (eastern BohemiaAvestem Moravia), including endangered and extinct species. The distribution of these species is discussed; they are divided to ecological groups (rocky habitats, peat bogs, bare ground, epiphytes, totting wood, pools, dry pond bottoms, wet meadows and forest springs). |
Pilous Z.: Virová onemocnění u mechů, 9–10 Viroses in mosses Abstract: During the study of mosses the author found various morphological abnormities in mosses that can be attributed to virus diseases. They are geniculate distortion of leaves and associated deformations of cells. They have been erroneously included in original descriptions of moss species or described as var. rugulosa in the past As a rule, no obvious pathogen, either plant or animal, can be observed in such cases. Together with the phytopathologist C.Blattný we expressed the idea that this is due to a specific moss virosis (Blattný et al. 1949). Experiments testing transfer o f the disease would confirm this hypothesis. |
Soldán Z.: Rozšíření neofytických mechů Campylopus introflexus a Orthodontium lineare v České republice, 10–19 Distribution of neophytic mosses Campylopus introflexus and Orthodontium lineare in the Czech Republic Abstract: The neophytic moss Campylopus introflexus has been collected only three times in the Czech Republic (in 1988, 1992 and 1993). The species Orthodontium lineare is recently known from 132 localities in the Czech Republic: 50% of them lie in the region of zonal temperate vegetation (Mesophyticum), about 41% in the region of azonal mountain vegetation (Oreophyticum) and about 9% in the region of azonal xerophytic vegetation (Thermophyticum). Geographical distributions of both species are given; for Orthodontium lineare, vertical distribution and the change of number of collections through time periods are reported as well. |
Duda J.: Poznámky k respektování bryologické literatury, 19–20 Notes on the full use of published bryological records Abstract: This short comment points out the necessity to use all existing literature data. Two recent examples of insufficient literature use are given |
Soldán Z.: Seznam mechorostů sebraných na Jihlavsku během 9. bryo-lichenologických dnů, 20–22 List of bryophytes collected during the 9th bryo-lichenological days Abstract: The list of bryophytes collected during the 9th bryo-lichenological days is given. The event took place in the Českomoravská vrchovina highlands (Bohemian-Moravian borderland) in 14th - 17th October 1996. |
Anonymus: Zajímavé nálezy, 23–24 Interesting floristic findings |
Novotný I. & Vacínová I.: Zprávy ze sekce, 24–25 News from the section (meetings, excursions, etc.) |
Liška J.: Výročí (B. Stein, O. Klement, E. Lisická, L. Pokluda), 25–25 Anniversaries (B. Stein, O. Klement, E. Lisická, L. Pokluda) |
Liška J.: Ze života společností XVII.: Svensk Lichenologist Förening (SLF), 25–25 Guide to other societies XVII.: Svensk Lichenologist Förening (SLF) |
Novotný I.: Různé: Recenze: Bednarek-Ochyra H.: The genus Racomitrium (Musci, Grimmiaceae) in Poland: taxonomy, ecology and phytogeography. Fragm. Flor. Geobot, Kraków, Ser. Polon., 2: 1-307, 1995. (In Polish) ISSN 1233-0132., 26–26 Miscellanea: Review: Bednarek-Ochyra H.: The genus Racomitrium (Musci, Grimmiaceae) in Poland: taxonomy, ecology and phytogeography. Fragm. Flor. Geobot, Kraków, Ser. Polon., 2: 1-307, 1995. (In Polish) ISSN 1233-0132. |
Liška J.: Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie IX., 27–0 Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography IX. |
Soldán Z.: Nová bryologická literatura V., 29–0 New bryological literature V. |