
Kučera J., Dřevojan P., Bradáčová J., Fialová L., Godovičová K., Janošík L., Kubešová S., Manukjanová A., Mikulášková E., Skoupá Z. & Tkáčiková J.Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání na Pálavě v roce 20171–12
Bryophytes recorded during the 2017 Spring Bryological and Lichenological Meeting in the Pavlov Hills (Pálava)
Abstract: Altogether 139 taxa (9 liverworts and 130 mosses) were recorded during the course of four excursions to the region of the Pavlov Hills in South Moravia, including one species new to the Czech Republic (Didymodon sicculus; the identity of another species not recorded in the Czech Republic, Pterygoneurum kozlovii, needs to be confirmed), one species considered Vanished (Hennediella heimii), three Criti- cally Endangered species (Bryum intermedium, Hilpertia vele- novskyi and Tortula inermis), five Endangered taxa (Aloina aloides var. ambigua, Conardia compacta, Grimmia anodon, G. crinita and Pseudocrossidium revolutum) and five Vulnerable species (Acaulon triquetrum, Didymodon cordatus, D. sinuosus, Pterygoneurum subsessile and Rhynchostegium megapolitanum). Important records are briefly commented on
Kučera J., Fialová L., Kubešová S., Kyselá M., Manukjanová A., Mikulášková E., Skoupá Z. & Tkáčiková J.Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu podzimních bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Českém ráji (Sedmihorky) v roce 201513–23
Bryophytes recorded during the 2015 Autumn Bryological and Lichenological Days in the Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj, northeastern Bohemia)
Abstract: Altogether 193 species of bryophytes (40 liverworts and 153 mosses with additional 3 infraspecific taxa) were recorded during the course of excursions to the sandstone region of the Bohemian Paradise (Český ráj) in northeastern Bohemia. Among the recorded species, one Endangered (Anastrophyllum michauxii), three Vulnerable (Calliergon giganteum, Dicranella subulata and Hamatocaulis vernicosus), nine Near-Threatened and two Data Deficient species need to be highlighted. Anastrophyllum michauxii, Endogemma caespiticia, Dicranella subulata, Orthotrichum affine var. bohemicum and Tetrodontium brownianum are considered the regionally most important records
Malíček J., Berger F., Bouda F., Cezanne R., Eichler M., Halda J.P., Langbehn T., Palice Z., Šoun J., Uhlík P. & Vondrák J.Lišejníky zaznamenané během bryologicko-lichenologického setkání v Mohelně na Třebíčsku na jaře 201624–25
Lichens recorded during the Bryological and Lichenological meeting in Mohelno (Třebíč region, southwestern Moravia) in spring 2016
Abstract: We present a list of 405 lichenized, lichenicolous and lichen-allied fungi recorded on the famous rocky steppe with a serpentinite bedrock called Mohelenská hadcová step and at other localities in the Třebíč region. The steppe was visited regularly by lichenologists during the last 100 years. We confirmed many valuable historical records (e.g. Caloplaca conversa, Harpidium rutilans, Lecanora laatokkaënsis, Lichinella stipatula, Spilonema paradoxum, Toninia cinereovirens) and added several new ones (e.g. Catillaria atomarioides, Lemmopsis arnoldiana, Peccania cernohorskyi and Phaeophyscia pusilloides). A smaller serpentinite site in the surroundings, called Dukovanský mlýn, is also valuable due to the occurrence of a few rare species (Belonia russula, Porpidia nadvornikiana and Rinodina rinodinoides). Other surveyed sites included castle ruins Templštejn with neighbouring granulite rocks and natural oak forests, and Levnov, the type locality of the cyanolichen Pterygiopsis umbilicata occurring on Ca-enriched granulite rocks below the ruin. Our list also includes epiphytic lichens recorded during a detailed survey in a lowland forest at the Lamberk castle ruin in the valley of the river Oslava. One day of research by four lichenologists in a one-hectare plot resulted in findings of 153 epiphytic and epixylic species. Numerous rare and rarely collected crustose lichens were recorded, for example Arthonia endlicheri, Bacidia incompta, B. laurocerasi, Biatora pontica, Buellia violaceofusca, Chaenotheca hispidula, Dendrographa decolorans and Enterographa hutchinsiae.
Šoun J., Bouda F., Kocourková J., Malíček J. & Palice Z., Peksa O., Svoboda D. & Vondrák J.Zajímavé nálezy lišejníků z čeledi Parmeliaceae v České republice46–64
Interesting records of lichens of the family Parmeliaceae in the Czech Republic
Abstract: New records of 31 rare and red-listed species of the family Parmeliaceae from the Czech Republic are reported. A major part of these species, including Evernia divaricata, E. mesomorpha, Flavo- parmelia soredians, Hypotrachyna revoluta, Parmotrema perlatum and Usnea sp. div., are recently spreading epiphytic lichens positi- vely responding to decreased sulfur dioxide concentrations and cli- mate changes. Other reported species are rare lichens of old-growth forests (Alectoria sarmentosa, Hypogymnia bitteri and H. vittata), rare saxicolous lichens (Allantoparmelia alpicola, Melanohalea infumata and Xanthoparmelia tinctina), or other phytogeographi- cally remarkable lichens (e.g. Letharia vulpina). Hypotrachyna afrorevoluta, H. lividescens and Punctelia borreri are new to the Czech Republic; H. lividescens is new to Central Europe
Dřevojan P., Eckstein J., Hájek M., Hájková P., Hradílek Z., Košnar J., Kučera J., Šímová A. & Vicherová E.Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVIII65–69
Interesting bryofloristic records, XXVIII
Manukjanová A. , Konečná E., Fačkovcová Z., Malíček J. & Šašek J.Zprávy ze Sekce [Setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v Krušných horách 21.–24. 9. 2017, Lichen Genomics Workshop II, 2.–5. November 2017, Graz, Rakúsko, Pozvánka na jarní bryologicko-lichenologické setkání na pošumavských vápencích]65–71
News from the Section
Malíček J., Vondrák J., Černajová I. & Man M.Žurnál klub [Halucinogenní lišejník, Nový systém lišejníků, Stopkovýtrusné kvasinky v kůře vřeckovýtrusných makrolišejníků – velký objev s nepravým příběhem, Lišajníky ako súčasť potravinových reťazcov, Predikční model odhalil nové lokality výskytu Buxbaumia viridis v tyrolských Alpách, Metody dálkového průzkumu Země (DPZ) použité při mapování invazního druhu Campylopus introflexus]70–76
Journal club
Kučera J.Recenze (Die Horn- und Lebermoose Österreichs)72–78
Review (Die Horn- und Lebermoose Österreichs)
Malíček J.Recenze (Flora and Vegatation of the Czech Republic)77–80
Review (Flora and Vegatation of the Czech Republic)
Liška J. & Palice Z.Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XXX79–84
Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography, XXX
Kubešová S.Nová bryologická literatura XXXI81–96
New bryological literature, XXXI