Malíček J. & Vondrák J. : Příspěvek k diverzitě lišejníků NPR Děvín a Tabulová v CHKO Pálava , 1–17 Contribution to the lichen diversity of the Děvín and Tabulová National Nature Reserves in the Pálava Hills Abstract: The Pálava Protected Landscape Area in South Moravia is very rich in xerothermic saxicolous species on limestone rocks. We briefly explored the lichen biota of two large protected areas: the Děvín- Kotel-Soutěska and Tabulová National Nature Reserves. Saxicolous communities in the two reserves are very similar; the former locality even harbours comparatively rich epiphytic lichen communities. We recorded 192 lichenized and four non-lichenized fungi from the Děvín reserve and 146 lichenized and five non-lichenized fungi from the Tabulová reserve. Four of the recorded species (Candelariella viae-lactae, Placynthium caesium, Strigula glabra, Verrucaria cincta) have their only known localities in the Czech Republic in the area. Other rare and phytogeographically remarkable species are Caloplaca aurantia, C. biatorina, C. emilii, C. erodens, C. fiumana, C. ochracea, Candelariella blastidiata, C. reflexa s. str., Eopyrenula leucoplaca, Fulgensia fulgens, Hymenelia prevostii, Peccania coralloides, Peltigera ponojensis, Phaeophyscia hirsuta, Physconia muscigena, Protoblastenia lilacina, Rinodinella controversa, Squamarina lentigera, Verrucaria breussii, Verrucaria pinguicula and Xanthoria papillifera. Teloschistaceae is the most species-rich family with 41 species recorded in the two reserves. The names Caloplaca albopruinosa and C. alociza are applied here to different species than proposed by Muggia et al. (2008). |
Bouda F.: Lišejníky NPR Čertova stěna-Luč u Loučovic, 18–26 Lichens of the Čertova stěna-Luč National Nature Reserve near Loučovice Abstract: A list of 178 lichen species recorded in 2013 in the Čertova stěna- Luč National Natural Reserve near the village of Loučovice in South Bohemia is presented. The reserve is rich in various types of substrates and habitats: exposed rocks, boulder screes, stones in the river Vltava, shaded mossy boulders in forests and abundant fallen dead wood. The locality is home to the glacial relicts Arctoparmelia centrifuga, Cladonia amaurocraea and Hertelidea botryosa. Hypogymnia vittata, which is usually epiphytic, grows here only on mossy granite boulders on the top of Mt Luč |
Hájková P., Hájek M. & Maslovski O., Pawlikowski P., Abramchuk M., Abramchuk A., Dítě D. & Plesková Z.: Nové lokality vzácných slatinných mechorostů v Bělorusku, 27–34 New localities of some rare fen bryophyte species in Belarus Abstract: Bryophyte species occurring in calcium-rich fens are endangered and retreating in all European countries, including those in Northern Europe, because of fen degradation in intensively exploited landscapes. During our field investigation of mires in northwestern Belarus in July 2017, we discovered new localities of some rare fen bryophyte species. They are included as endangered in the Red Book of Belarus (Cinclidium stygium, Drepanocladus lycopodioides and Meesia triquetra) or have been retreating in the last decades (Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Helodium blandowii, Paludella squarrosa, Scorpidium cossonii and S. scorpioides). Knowledge about their recent distribution is a prerequisite for their active protection by nature conservation authorities |
Kubešová S., Mudrová R. & Sova P.: Mechorosty zaznamenané během jarního 21. setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Nečtinách na Manětínsku v roce 2014, 35–43 Bryophytes recorded during the 21st Spring Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the ČBS in Nečtiny near Manětín (West Bohemia) in 2014 Abstract: Altogether 182 bryophyte species (30 liverworts and 152 mosses) were recorded during excursions to the northern part of the Plzeň region in West Bohemia. The records include four vulnerable species (Buxbaumia viridis, Discelium nudum, Hamatocaulis vernicosus, Riccardia chamedryfolia), six lower-risk near- threatened species (Campylium stellatum, Dicranum bonjeanii, Lophoziopsis longidens, Orthotrichum patens, Scorpidium cossonii, Sphagnum contortum) and fifteen 'attention-list' species of least concern. |
Dřevojan P., Jiroušek M., Mikulášková E., Procházková J. & Táborská M.: Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXIX, 44–49 nteresting bryofloristic records, XXIX Abstract: Bazzania flaccida, Cephalozia loitlesbergeri, Harpanthusscutatus, Scapania paludicola, Schljakovia kunzeana, Syzygiella autumnalis, Aloina aloides var. ambigua, Cleistocarpidium palustre, Microbryum floerkeanum, Sphagnum fuscum, Tayloria serrata, |
Peksa O.: Zprávy ze Sekce, 50–50 News from the Section Abstract: V. československá lichenologická konference |
Holá E., Manukjanová A. & Syrovátková L.: Jarní bryologicko-lichenologické setkání na pošumavských vápencích, 19.–22. duben 2018, 50–52 2018 Spring Bryological and Lichenological Meeting in the Šumava Mts Abstract: Jarní bryologicko-lichenologické setkání na pošumavských vápencích, 19.–22. duben 2018 |
Vondrák J.: Žurnál klub: Vliv fotobionta na způsob rozmnožování a fenotyp lišejníků, 52–54 Journal club |
Černajová I.: Žurnál Klub: Lišajníky medzi endofytmi, 54–55 |
Malíček J.: Žurnál Klub: Seznam alpských lišejníků, 56–56 |
Malíček J.: Žurnál Klub: Nordic Lichen Flora VI., 56–56 |
Lackovičová A. & Bérešová A.: Personalia: RNDr. Ivan Pišút, DrSc. (*13. 3. 1935 – †14. 12. 2017) – náš učiteľ, priateľ a neúnavný terénny výskumník, 57–61 |
Bérešová A.: Personalia: RNDr. Anna Kubinská, CSc. (*26. 7. 1949 – †23. 12. 2017), 62–63 |
Kučera J., Herben T., Mikulášková E. & Svoboda D.: Personalia: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Váňa, DrSc. (*11. 1. 1940 – †8. 4. 2018), 63–80 |
Kučera J.: Prof. Dr. Jochen Heinrichs (*14. 3. 1969 – †22. 4. 2018), 80–80 |
Širka P. & Kubešová S.: Nová bryologická literatura XXXII, 81–85 New bryological literature, XXXII |