
Lisická E.KÍúč na určovanie pupkoviek (Lasallia, Umbilicaria) SR a ČR2–7
A key to Lasallia and Umbilicaria of the Slovak and Czech Republics
Abstract: A key to Lasallia and Umbilicaria in the Slovak (SR) and Czech (ČR) Republics with short notes on their ecology and distribution is given. Some species known from the neighbouring countries are included, too. 
Hradílek Z.Klíč na určování zástupců rodu Fissidens (sekce Fissidens a Pycnothallia) ČR a SR7–11
A key to Fissidens (sect. Fissidens, sect. Pycnothallia) of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Abstract: An identification key to the Czech and Slovak Fissidens species of the section Fissidens Hedw. and the section Pycnothallia C.MÜ11. is given with short notes on their ecology and distribution. 
Pilous Z.Mech Pohlia muyldermansii v Čechách12–13
Pohlia muyldermansii, a new moss of the Czech bryoflora
Abstract: Author reports the moss Pohlia muyldermansii Wilcz. & Dem. var. pseudommldermansii Arts et al. from the sandstone area Teplicko-adršpašské skály near Teplice nad Metují (NE Bohemia) as the first finding in the Czech Republic. This locality is the easternmost one currently known.
Zmrhalová M.Seznam mechorostů sebraných v Jeseníkách během 7. bryo-lichenologických dnů14–16
List of bryophytes collected during the 7th bryo-lichenological days in Jeseníky Mts.
Abstract: The list of liverworts and mosses collected during the 7th bryo-lichenologicai days in Jeseníky Mts. (northern Moravia) is given. 
Novotný I.Nové taxonomické změny v čeledi Pottiaceae16–20
New taxonomical changes in the family Pottiaceae
Abstract: The family Pottiaceae has been rccendy taxomically treated by Zander (1993). His book is a worldwide taxonomic study of this family at the genus level. It also includes a list of presendy recognized specific and infraspecific taxa and their distribution. On the basis of this list a new list of the species of the family Pottiaceae for the Czech and Slovak Republics was compiled. 
AnonymusZajímavé nálezy20–21
Interesting floristic findings
AnonymusZprávy ze sekce 21–22
News from the section (meetings, excursions, etc.)
Liška J.Výročí (I. Pišút, J. Šmarda, K. G. Limpricht, F. Ehrhart, C. W. Dodge)23–24
Anniversaries (I. Pišút, J. Šmarda, K. G. Limpricht, F. Ehrhart, C. W. Dodge)
Liška J.Odešli (E. Dahl) 24–24
Obituary (E. Dahl)
Liška J.Ze života společností XIII.: Society of Australasian Lichenologists (SAL) 25–25
Guide to other societies XIII.: Society of Australasian Lichenologists (SAL)
Lisická E. , Novotný I, Hradílek Z.Recenze25–26
Liška J.Česká a slovenská lichenoloeická bibliografie VII.29–30
Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography VII.
Soldán Z.Nová bryologická literatura III.30–0
New bryological literature III.
Liška J.Klíč k určování přírodovědců v terénu27–28