Vondrák J.: Antitrichia curtipendula – ohrožený druh bryoflóry České republiky?, 2–4 Antitrichia curtipendula – a vulnerable species of the Czech Republic? Abstract: New localities of Antitrichia curtipendula (Hedw.) Brid. were found in Southern Bohemia. The species has been scarce in the Czech Republic lately due to air pollution. Therefore it vanished in some parts of the territory (e.g. Northern Bohemia) and dwindled strongly in epiphytic habitats. On the other hand, epilithic habitats in Southern Bohemia and Moravia are probably still not threatened. |
Hájková P.: Zajímavé společenstvo se Sphagnum subnitens v Krušných horách, 5–6 An interesting community with Sphagnum subnitens in the Krušné hory Mts Abstract: Sphagnum subnitens, a threatened species of Czech bryoflora, has been recorded in the Krušné hory Mts on a moderately rich spring fen (Sphagno-Tomenthypnion alliance) and on a peat bog with seepage of ground water. |
Hájek M.: Prameništní fytocenózy s převahou mechorostů ve Strážovských vrších, 6–10 The spring phytocenosis with dominant bryophytes in the Strážovské vrchy Mts Abstract: Three plant communities with physiognomic prevalence of bryophytes were distinguished within the Montio-Cardaminetea class in the Strážovské vrchy Mts (Western Carpathians, Slovakia): the Eucladietum verticillati (first time reported from Slovakia), the Cratoneuretum filicino-commutati and the Aneura pinguis-Cratoneuron filicinum community. The communities differ in slope degree, insolation and depth of running water. |
Franklová H.: Mechorosty vápencového lomu Čertovy schody - západ, 10–11 Bryophytes of the calcareous stone-pit Čertovy schody Abstract: During a floristical research of a quarry 67 moss species and 2 hepatics were found; 9 species are threatened in the Czech Republic. |
Kotlaba F.: Potreba latinské zkratky pro „zapsal” v přírodních vědách, 12–13 A new abbreviation proposed for a field determination of plant without collection for herbaria Abstract: A new abbreviation not. (notavit in Latin = noted; observed) is proposed for such cases in natural sciences when an organism (fungus, lichen, moss, plant, insect, bird etc.) is seen and noted (registered) in the field but not collected and preserved in an official or private herbarium or collection. It would rank along with such long-standing abbreviations as leg. (legit = collected), det. (determinavit = determined) and rev. (revidit = revised). |
Anonymous: Zajímavé nálezy, 13–13 Interesting floristic findings |
Anonymous: Zprávy ze sekce, 14–15 News from the Section |
Liška J.: Výročí (Z. Černohorský, A. Vězda), 15–16 Anniversary (Z. Černohorský, A. Vězda) |
Němcová L., Liška J., Váňa J. & Buryová B.: Odešli (M. Vondráček, Z. Pilous, T. A. Arts, A. C. Crundwell, P. Geissler, I. G. Stone, H. L. K. Whitehouse), 17–19 Obituary (M. Vondráček, Z. Pilous, T. A. Arts, A. C. Crundwell, P. Geissler, I. G. Stone, H. L. K. Whitehouse) |
Anonymous: Různé, 20–21 Miscellanea |
Novotný I.: Recenze [Shaw A. J. et Goffinet B., eds. (2000): Bryophyte Biology], 21–22 Review [Shaw A. J. et Goffinet B., eds. (2000): Bryophyte Biology] |
Liška J. (ed.): Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XIII., 22–24 Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography XIII. |
Soldán Z. (ed.): Nová bryologická literatura IX., 25–28 New bryological literature IX. |