
Váňa J.Klíč k určování českých a slovenských druhů rodu Jungermannia2–5
A key to Jungermannia of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Abstract: Two determination keys (based on sterile and fertile plants) of the species of the genus Jungemumnia, known from the Czech and Slovak Republics, are given. One additional European species (J. paroica), reported also bom Germany, is included; taxa occurring in the Mediterranean area and in Scandinavia only are omitted. Short notes on the ecology and distribution of the taxa are included. 
Pilous Z.Mech Anoectangium aestivum v Čechách6–6
Anoectangium aestivum in the Czech Republic
Abstract: Moss Anoectangium aestivum (Hedw.) Mitt, is reported from the sanstone area of Teplicko- -adršpašské skály, NE Bohemia. In the Czech Republic, this species has been known until now from Moravia lbe Hrubý Jesenik Mts. It is more frequent in Slovakia 
Dětinský R.Caloplaca cerinelloides - nový druh lichenoflóry České republiky6–8
Caloplaca cerinelloides, a new species of the Czech lichenflora
Abstract: Caloplaca cerinelloides (Erichs.) Poelt is reported from the Czech and Slovak Republics for the first time. Several localities from Croatia are added. The value of the distinguishing character between C. cerinella and C. cerinelloides is discussed and particulary doubted
Wagner B.Spilonema paradoxum a Thermutis velutina - dvě překvapení v herbářích PRC8–9
Spilonema paradoxům and Thermutis velutina- two interesting lichens from PRC herbarium
Abstract: Two rare species of lichens - Spilonema paradoxum Born (North Bohemia, Jizerské hory Mts.) and Thermutis velulina (Ach.) Flot. (South Moravia, Znojmo) were determined during a revision of Racodium rupestre Pers. in PRC. Microscopical characters of these and related species are compared. 
Liška J.Změny botanické nomenklatury10–10
Changes in the botanical nomenclature
AnonymusZprávy ze sekce10–13
News from the section (meetings, excursions, etc.)
Váňa J.Výročí (J. Duda, M. Holubář, A. Kriesl, J. Müller, M. Svrček, J. Dědeček, R. Picbauer, F. Kovář, A. Weidmann, F. Wurm, A. E. Wade)13–15
Anniversaries (J. Duda, M. Holubář, A. Kriesl, J. Müller, M. Svrček, J. Dědeček, R. Picbauer, F. Kovář, A. Weidmann, F. Wurm, A. E. Wade)
Liška J.Odešli (J. Poelt)15–15
Obituary (J. Poelt)
Liška J.Ze života společností XIV.: Association Francaise de Lichenologie (AFL)16–16
Guide to other societies XIV.: Association Francaise de Lichenologie (AFL)
Novotný I.Recenze16–17
Špryňar P., Blažková V., Freiová R., Kůrková I. & Palice Z.Určování bezcévných rostlin podle chuti17–19
Soldán Z.Česká a slovenská bryologická bibliografie VII.20–22
Czech and Slovak bryological bibliography VII.
Liška J.Nová lichenologická literatura IV.22–0
New lichenological literature IV.