
Halda J.P., Kocourková J., Lenzová V., Malíček J., Müller A., Palice Z., Uhlík P. & Vondrák J.Lišejníky zaznamenané během 22. jarního setkání bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS v Moravském krasu v dubnu 20151–23
Lichens recorded during the 22th spring meeting of the Bryological and lichenological section of the CBS in the Moravian Karst (Czech Republic), April 2015
Abstract: A list of 297 lichen species and non-lichenized or lichenicolous fungi recorded in the Moravian Karst region in April 2015 during the 22th spring meeting of the Bryological and lichenological section of the Czech Botanical Society is presented. Remarkable endangered lichens were found: Anaptychia ciliaris, Arthonia byssacea, A. calcicola, Bacidia arceutina, B. auerswaldii, B. vermifera, Biatora albohyalina, Caloplaca biatorina, C. lucifuga, Candelariella reflexa s. str., Catillaria minuta, Chaenotheca hispidula, C. chlorella, Dirina stenhammari, Gyalecta geoica, Lecania cuprea, L. sylvestris, Lecanora intumescens, Lecidea strasseri, Lemmopsis arnoldiana, Lepraria diffusa, Leptogium subtile, Mycobilimbia tetramera, Parabagliettoa cyanea, Phaeophyscia hirsuta, Placynthium subradiatum, Polychidium muscicola, Porina linearis, Protoblastenia laeta, Psorotichia diffracta, Rinodina excrescens, Schismatomma pericleum, Thelenella muscorum, Thelidium incavatum and Thelopsis rubella. 
Bouda F.Nové druhy žluté skupiny rodu Rhizocarpon v České Republice24–29
A new species of yellow Rhizocarpon in the Czech Republic
Abstract: Three species of map lichens, Rhizocarpon atroflavescens, R. carpaticum and R. ferax, have newly been discovered in the Czech Republic. These taxa occur predominantly in mountain regions with uncovered rocky outcrops and boulders. Rhizocarpon atroflavescens has a whitish prothallus and ascospores containing at most one longitudinal septum. It grows on slightly calcareous rocks. The acidophilous species Rhizocarpon carpaticum also rarely has one longitudinal septum; however, the species has convex apothecia extending up above the areoles and the thallus margin is bordered with a black prothallus. Rhizocarpon ferax occurs mainly on overhangs or at bases of vertical faces of acidic rocks. It has muriform spores and its roundish apothecia are usually hidden between two crescent-shaped areoles.
Malíček J.Lišejníky NPP Kaňk u Kutné Hory30–36
Lichens of the protected area Kaňk near Kutná Hora
Abstract: A list of 101 lichen taxa recorded in 2016 in the Kaňk National Nature Monument near Kutná Hora in Central Bohemia is presented. The locality is well known due to findings of fossils in calcareous conglomerates. Acarospora rehmii is reported here for the first time from the Czech Republic. Caloplaca albolutescens, C. velana, C. xerica, Diplotomma porphyricum, Lecanora albellula, Lempholemma polyanthes, Melanelixia elegantula, Sarcogyne privigna, Verrucaria bryoctona and Xanthoparmelia delisei represent further remarkable findings from the protected area 
Wagner B.Lišejníky vrchu Sedlo v Českém středohoří (severní Čechy)37–43
Lichens of the Sedlo Hill in the České středohoří Mts (North Bohemia)
Abstract: This contribution presents the results of a lichenofloristic survey of the Sedlo Hill near the town of Úštěk in North Bohemia, which was undertaken in 2011–2013. The tephrite hill is covered mostly by a scree forest. In total, 72 lichen species were recorded, including one endangered lichen (Usnea subfloridana) and three vulnerable species (Bryoria fuscescens, Melanelixia subaurifera and Physcia stellaris). Aspicilia cinerea, Lecanora cenisia, L. soralifera, Miriquidica leucophaea, Porpidia rugosa and Rimularia insularis represent remarkable species from tephrite rocks. 
Godovičová K. & Mišíková K.Epifytické machorasty urbánneho prostredia Bratislavy44–57
Epiphytic bryophytes in the urban environment of Bratislava
Abstract: Epiphytic bryophytes occur rarely in urban areas compared to other ecological groups. These organisms live on the bark of trees, and changes in their distribution and reproduction might be associated with environmental pollution, which also affects trees. Epiphytic bryophytes are poorly reviewed in the city of Bratislava, and the last study focusing on this topic was published 35 years ago. This contribution presents information on the distribution of epiphytic bryophytes in the residential area of Bratislava, their habitats and factors potentially affecting their species diversity. We recorded 27 species of epiphytic bryophytes (two species from the division Marchantiophyta and 25 species from the division Bryophyta) on 21 phorophyte species. One of the recorded species (Ulota crispa) is red-listed in Slovakia (LR:NT category). 
Ďurčanová P., Jiroušek M. & Peterka T.Pozoruhodné nálezy Sphagnum affine a ďalších rašelinníkov v severnej časti západných Karpát na Slovensku58–66
Interesting records of Sphagnum affine and other Sphagnum species in the northern part of the Western Carpathians in Slovakia
Abstract: The paper presents new records of scarce Sphagnum species from the northern part of the Western Carpathians in Slovakia. The suboceanic species Sphagnum affine occurs in Slovakia at the limit of its distribution and is one of the rarest Sphagnum species in Slovakia. In 2016 the species was newly found in a moderately rich fen at the locality U Padyšáka in the Kysuce region and was confirmed after 45 years at the locality of Slaná voda in the Orava region. The paper also reports an occurrence of Sphagnum centrale in the Liptov Basin at the localities Pod Suchým Hrádkom, Švihrová and Chraste pri Dúbrave; it also presents data on the prevalence of other Sphagnum species in the region.
Hájková P., Potůčková A. & Hájek M.Zajímavé nálezy vzácných mechorostů ve starých sedimentech 267–71
Interesting records of rare bryophytes in old fen deposits 2
Abstract: Old peat deposits represent a natural archive of past species occurrences. Frequently, remains of bryophytes are especially well preserved in peat deposits, including fens, and can often be identified to the species level. During ongoing research in the Western Carpathians and the Morava river valley, we discovered new sites where the relic fen species Drepanocladus sendtneri, D. trifarius, Meesia triquetra and Scorpidium scorpioides occurred in the Late Glacial and Holocene periods. Moreover, remains of six epiphytic bryophyte species were also recorded in one carbonate sediment of Early-Holocene age in southern Slovakia. Fossil records of epiphytic bryophytes are rather unique and rare in fen deposits.
Dřevojan P., Hradílek Z., Koval Š, Kubešová S., Mikulášková E., Novotný I. & Zmrhalová M.Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXVII72–77
Interesting bryofloristic records, XVII
Mikulášková́ E., Košuthová A. & Peterka T.Zprávy ze sekce
Zpráva ze společné bryologicko-lichenologické exkurze Masarykovy Univerzity a univerzity NTNU v Trondheimu v květnu 2016
Bibliografie rodu Riccia na webu sekce
Bryo-lichenologické dny na Pálavě 30. 3. – 2. 4. 2017
News from the Section
Svoboda D.Personalia – RNDr. Zdeněk Soldán, CSc. (*1957)83