Kochjarová J., Šoltés R. & Hrivnák R.: Mriežkovec pobrežný (Cinclidotus aquaticus) na Slovensku: súčasnosť a prognózy, 1–6 Cinclidotus aquaticus in Slovakia: present state and prognoses Abstract: The distribution of Cinclidotus aquaticus in Slovakia was reviewed and the known localities were checked in the field. The occurrence of this vulnerable moss species in three mountain areas in Central Slovakia (Starohorské vrchy Mts, Chočské vrchy Mts, Muránska planina Mts) was confirmed during the period 2005–2007. Basic water chemistry (pH value, electric conductivity) and temperature, intensity of anthropogenic influence on habitats, and phytosociological affinities of C. aquaticus were studied and documented by phytocoenological relevés |
Lisická E., Lackovičová A. & Lisický M. J.: Rozšírenie lišajníka Physcia aipolioides na Slovensku podľa výsledkov aktuálneho sieťového mapovania, 6–14 Distribution of the lichen Physcia aipolioides in Slovakia, based on results of recent grid mapping Abstract: After 20–26 years, a repeated grid mapping of the species Physcia aipolioides was carried out in 2001–2007. The aim of the mapping was to find out whether the species has been spreading rapidly and has a supposed invasive character, or not. The vertical distribution of the species was observed and a list of all up-to-now known localities is given |
Mikulášková E., Berka T., Holá E., Košnar J., Kubešová S., Marková I., Mudrová R. & Musil Z.: Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 20. podzimního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické Sekce v NP Šumava, 14–27 Bryophytes recorded during the 20th Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section in the Šumava National Park (Bohemian Forest) Abstract: In this paper, 218 bryophyte species recorded and/or collected during the 20th Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section in the Šumava National Park are listed. The most interesting records (Anomodon rugelii, Bazzania flaccida, Bazzania tricrenata, Campylophyllum sommerfeltii, Cephaloziella elegans, Cephalozia leucantha, Frullania tamarisci, Harpanthus scutatus, Kurzia pauciflora, Lophozia ascendens, Metzgeria violacea, Neckera pennata) are discussed in detail |
Plášek V.: Potvrzení výskytu mechu Orthotrichum alpestre Hornsch. ex Bruch & Schimp. v České republice a nově zjištěná historická lokalita tohoto druhu na Slovensku, 27–30 Confirmation of the occurrence of moss Orthotrichum alpestre Hornsch. ex Bruch & Schimp. in the Czech Republic and a newly discovered historical locality in Slovakia Abstract: The moss Orthotrichum alpestre was considered a vanished species in the Czech Republic. Until now, the only known collection was made in the Jeseníky Mts. (loc. Velká Kotlina cirque) by Podpěra in 1904. After 103 years, the species was recorded by the author of this paper in the proximity of the historical locality. The new locality is described in detail including ecological conditions at the site. During the survey, new historical locality in Slovakia was uncovered as well. The specimen was collected in the West Tatra Mts. in 1880 and is deposited in KRAM herbarium |
Vondrák J., Kocourková J., Slavíková-Bayerová Š., Breuss O., Sparrius L. & Hawksworth D. L.: Pozoruhodné lišejníky, lichenikolní houby a jiné lišejníkům podobné houby Českého krasu, 31–40 Noteworthy lichens, lichenicolous and other allied fungi recorded in Bohemian Karst, Czech Republic Abstract: 50 taxa of lichenized, lichenicolous and other allied fungi are treated here, of them Candelariella aurella f. smaragdula, Catillaria minuta, Intralichen baccisporus, I. lichenicola, Lecanora agardhiana, L. rouxii, Lepraria nivalis, Opegrapha paraxanthodes, O. suecica, Sclerococcum griseisporodochium, Stigmidium psorae, Verrucaria beltraminiana, and V. compacta are new to the Czech Republic, and Pyrenocollema saxicola is new for Bohemia. Another 24 species are new to the Bohemian Karst, Central Bohemia. Amphisphaeria fallax, a little-known saprobic non-lichenized fungus is also treated |
Kučera J., ed.: Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy X., 41–43 Interesting bryofloristic records, X |
Anonymous: Zprávy ze Sekce, 44–45 News from the Section |
Anonymous: Změny v adresáři Sekce, 46–46 Changes to membership directory |
Lackovičová A., Śliwa L.: Výročí [U. Bielczyk], 47–48 Anniversary [U. Bielczyk] |
Shaw B., Liška J.: Úmrtí [L. E. Anderson, G. B. Feige], 49–49 Obituaries [L. E. Anderson, G. B. Feige] |
Liška J.: Recenze [Wójciak H. (2007): Porosty, mszaki, paprotniki. Ed. 2. – MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza, Warszawa.], 50–50 Review [Wójciak H. (2007): Porosty, mszaki, paprotniki. Ed. 2. – MULTICO Oficyna Wydawnicza, Warszawa.] |
Váňa J.: Recenze [Bednarek-Ochyra H. (2006): A taxonomic monograph of the moss genus Codriophorus P. Beauv. (Grimmiaceae). – W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Science, Kraków.], 51–51 Review [Bednarek-Ochyra H. (2006): A taxonomic monograph of the moss genus Codriophorus P. Beauv. (Grimmiaceae). – W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Science, Kraków.] |
Hájek M.: Recenze [Kliment J. & Valachovič M. H., eds. (2007): Rastlinné spoločenstvá Slovenska. 4. Vysokohorská vegetácia. – Veda, Bratislava.], 51–52 Review [Kliment J. & Valachovič M. H., eds. (2007): Rastlinné spoločenstvá Slovenska. 4. Vysokohorská vegetácia. – Veda, Bratislava.] |
Kučera J., Kubešová S., Hájek M. & Plášek V.: Nová bryologická literatura XVIII., 53–65 New bryological literature, XVIII |
Liška J.: Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XX, 66–68 Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography, XX |