
Fačkovcová Z.Príspevok k poznaniu lišajníkov karbonátových podkladov1–21
Contribution to the knowledge of lichens of carbonate substrates in Považský Inovec Mts
Abstract: Contemporary lichen flora of the area with carbonate substrates in the Považský Inovec Mts is presented. The data were collected during the field research in 2011–2012. Altogether 176 taxa were recorded. Of these, 34 taxa are new for the study area. The submediterranean species Candelariella plumbea and submediterranean-Turanic-west Pontic element Caloplaca raesaenenii are new records for Slovakia. It is shortly discussed together with other, phytogeographically interesting species Catapyrenium daedaleum, Cladonia magyarica and Leptogium ferax. A concise history of lichenological research in this area is included as well. So far, reports on 283 lichen taxa were published in 24 works.
Kubešová S., Kučera J., Laburdová J., Mikulášková E., Procházková J. & Tkáčiková J.Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 25. podzimních Bryologicko-lichenologických dnů v Novohradských horách, 201222–30
Bryophytes recorded during the 25th Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the ČBS in the Novohradské hory Mts (South Bohemia, Lower Austria) in 2012
Abstract: Autumn Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society took place in South Bohemian and Lower Austrian Novohradské hory Mts (Gratzener Bergland) in October 2012. A total of 44 liverworts and 129 moss species recorded and/or collected during the Meeting excursions is listed in this contribution. The most important records including Geocalyx graveolens, Metzgeria violacea, Anacamptodon splachnoides, Anomodon rugelii, Dicranum viride, Hypnum fertile, Neckera pennata, and Orthotrichum stellatum are discussed.
Peterka T.Doplněk k rozšíření druhu Paludella squarrosa na Českomoravské vrchovině31–35
A supplement to the distribution of Paludella squarrosa in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Czech Republic) 
Abstract: Paludella squarrosa belongs to rare and endangered bryophyte species in the Czech Republic. The historical data on its occurrence come mainly from the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. Two unknown localities (nature reserves Zlámanec and Zlatá louka) were found recently in the northern part of this region. This paper reports them in detail, including data on water chemistry and total species composition. Hence, Paludella squarrosa is recently known at 13 localities in the Czech Republic. In both new localities, the species grows in fens with intermediate pH (6.1 and 6.9, respectively) in the Sphagno warnstorfii-Eriophoretum latifolii association. The calcium concentration in water sample from the Zlatá louka locality (68.5 mg.l-1) is the highest known one within the localities of P. squarrosa in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands; such a high calcium concentration is caused by chalk bedrock.
Hradílek Z. (ed.)Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXI.36–38
Interesting bryofloristic records, XXI
AnonymousZprávy ze Sekce39–40
News from the Section
AnonymousZměny v adresáři Sekce40–40
Changes in the list of members
AnonymousÚmrtí [A.J.E. Smith]40–40
Obituary [A.J.E. Smith]
Váňa J.Výročí [T. Pócs, S. R. Gradstein]41–43
Anniversaries [T. Pócs, S. R. Gradstein]
Liška J.Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XXVI.43–45
Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography, XXVI