Franklová H.: Klíč k určování druhů rodu Kiaeria v České republice, 1–3 An identification key to the Kiaeria species in the Czech Republic Abstract: Paper presents a determination key to the Kiaeria species occurring in the Czech Republic. Distribution of the species and determination difficulties are discused. |
Kubinská A., Janovicová K. & Šoltés R.: Aktualizovaný zoznam pečeňoviek, rožtekov a machov Slovenska, 4–10 Updated checklist of liverworts, hornworts and mosses of Slovakia Abstract: Although the latest version of the checklist and red list of bryophytes of Slovakia was published recently, presented list adopts the new categorization system according to the contemporary IUCN criteria of the year 2001 (version 3.1). Thus an actual list is presented being aware of inaccuracies due to missing data for certain species, which would enable correct application of the criteria set for particular categories. |
Hájková P. & Hájek M.: Vzácné a zajímavé mechorosty rašelinišť a pramenišť moravskoslovenského pomezí, 10–14 Rare and interesting bryophytes of mires and springs of Moravian-Slovakian borderland (Western Carpathians) Abstract: Paper presents localities of threatened and rare bryophyte species found recently in a flysch borderland between the Czech and Slovak Republics. The suboceanic species have their distribution limits in the study area and they are mostly rare or threatened in Slovakia (e.g. Sphagnum auriculatum, S. inundatum, S. papillosum). The rich fen species are, on the other hand, threatened in the Czech Republic (e.g. Fissidens adianthoides, Homalothecium nitens, Hypnum pratense, Sphagnum contortum). Some species which are not involved in the national red lists are very rare and disappearing in the study area (e.g. Bryum weigelii, Dicranella palustris, Sphagnum subsecundum, S. cuspidatum). Sphagnum subnitens have became critically endangered in the study area during last years. |
Soldán Z. & Buryová B.: Recentní nálezy tří nezvěstných druhů bryoflóry České republiky, 14–19 Recent findings of three missing species in the bryoflora of the Czech Republic Abstract: Metzgeria fruticulosa, Andreaea crassinervia and Ulota coarctata have been refound in the Czech Republic. Distribution and ecology of these species in the Czech Republic are described. |
Kučera J., Buryová B., Plášek V., Soldán Z. & Zmrhalová M.: Mechorosty zaznamenané během jarního setkání bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v Novém Městě nad Metují, 19–25 Bryophytes recorded during the Spring Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section Nové Mesto nad Metují (East Bohemia) Abstract: The list of bryophytes registered and collected during the Spring Meeting 2001 of the Bryological and Lichenological Section in Nové Město nad Metují, East Bohemia is presented. Altogether 159 species were identified, of which eleven remarkable and/or regionally interesting taxa are commented. Fifteen species are threatened according to the preliminary versions of Red Lists of the Czech mosses and liverworts. |
Anonymous: Zajímavé nálezy, 25–25 Interesting floristic findings |
Anonymous: Zprávy ze sekce (In memoriam prof. Zdeněk Černohorský + 5. 9. 2001 Praha), 26–28 News from the Section (In memoriam prof. Zdeněk Černohorský + 5. 9. 2001 Praha) |
Váňa J.: Recenze [Nebel M. et Philippi G. [eds.] (2000): Die Moose Baden-Württembergs. Band 1 (Bryophytina I, Andreaeales bis Funariales)], 28–29 Review [Nebel M. et Philippi G. [eds.] (2000): Die Moose Baden-Württembergs. Band 1 (Bryophytina I, Andreaeales bis Funariales)] |
Váňa J.: Recenze [Żarnowiec J. (2001): A taxonomic monograph of the Drepanocladus aduncus group (Bryopsida: Amblystegiaceae)], 29–30 Review [Żarnowiec J. (2001): A taxonomic monograph of the Drepanocladus aduncus group (Bryopsida: Amblystegiaceae)] |
Novotný I.: Recenze [Malcolm B. et Malcolm N. (2000): Mosses and other bryophytes, an illustrated glossary], 30–31 Review [Malcolm B. et Malcolm N. (2000): Mosses and other bryophytes, an illustrated glossary] |
Anonymous: Různé, 31–32 Miscellanea |
Liška J. (ed.): Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XIV, 33–34 Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography XIV |
Soldán Z. (ed.): Nová bryologická literatura X, 34–36 New bryological literature X |