
Liška J.Katalog lišejníků ČR – korekce a doplňky1–5
Catalogue of lichens of the Czech Republic – corrections and additions
Abstract: Amendments to the Catalogue (Vězda & Liška 1999) include several categories: a) species omitted erroneously; b) species included erroneously; c) questionable data not well documented; d) species excluded after revision; e) newly published species. Additions to the bibliography are included as well.
Palice Z., Slavíková-Bayerová Š., Gruna B., Liška J. & Uhlík P.Poznámka k výskytu Porpidia nadvornikiana v České republice6–8
A note on the occurrence of Porpidia nadvornikiana in the Czech Republic
Abstract: Porpidia nadvornikiana (Vězda) Hertel is a poorly known lichen of serpentine rocks. It is presently known from three localities in the Czech Republic. Two of them are reported herein in addition to the two previously published records from the type locality. Possible threat status of the species in the Czech Republic is hypothesized.
Horáková V., Kubešová S. & Šumberová K.Mechorosty rybníků a sádek v Českobudějovické pánvi9–17
Bryophytes of fishpond bottoms and storage ponds in the Českobudějovická pánev basin (Czech Republic)
Abstract: 50 bryophytes (4 liverworts and 46 mosses) were recorded on fishpond bottoms and storage ponds in the Českobudějovická pánev basin (South Bohemia). Two of them (Riccia cavernosa and Physcomitrium eurystomum) belong to vulnerable taxa. Among the recorded life strategies, short-lived ones predominate. Annual shuttle make up 57 %, colonists 29 % and fugitives 14 % of the species pool on fishpond bottoms, whereas in the storage ponds the annual shuttle strategy is characteristic for 24 %, colonists make up 35 %, fugitives 7 %, long-lived shuttle 3 % and 31 % of recorded species are perennials.
Loskotová E.Bryoflóra vybraných území CHKO Blaník17–21
Bryoflora of selected areas in the Protected Landscape Area Blaník (Central Bohemia)
Abstract: The following contribution brings results of the first systematic bryofloristic survey in the Protected Landscape Area Blaník in Central Bohemia. The survey included four intensively and four extensively studied nature reserves or other sites in the area. In total, 105 species were found – 16 liverworts and 89 mosses. The most remarkable records included Serpoleskea subtilis, Riccia ciliifera, Ptilium crista-castrensis and Eurhynchium striatum.
Kučera J., Müller F. & Plášek V.Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 12. jarního setkání Bryologicko-lichenologické Sekce v CHKO Křivoklátsko21–31
Bryophytes recorded during the 12th Spring Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section in the Křivoklátsko region (Central Bohemia)
Abstract: 233 bryophytes recorded and/or collected during the 12th Spring Bryological and Lichenological Days in the Křivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve of Central Bohemia are listed. The most interesting records (Andreaea rothii subsp. rothiiBuxbaumia viridis, Dicranum viride, Gymnostomum calcareum, Hylocomium brevirostre, Neckera besseri, Orthotrichum patens, Weissia squarrosa, Zygodon rupestris) are discussed in detail.
Kučera J. (ed.)Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy V.32–35
Interesting bryofloristic records, V
AnonymousZprávy ze Sekce36–40
News from the Section
Guttová A.Výročí [I. Pišút]40–41
Anniversary [I. Pišút]
Váňa J.Úmrtí [H. Bischler-Causse, C. Vandenberghen]41–42
Obituaries [H. Bischler-Causse, C. Vandenberghen]
Kučera J.Recenze [Ignatov M. S. & Ignatova E. A. (2004): Flora mchov sredněj časti evropejskoj Rossii. Tom 2. Fontinalaceae – Amblystegiaceae. KMK Scientific Press]42–44
Review [Ignatov M. S. & Ignatova E. A. (2004): Flora mkhov srednej chasti evropejskoj Rossii. Tom 2. Fontinalaceae – Amblystegiaceae. KMK Scientific Press]
Kučera J.Recenze [Frahm J.-P. & Frey W. (2004): Moosflora, 4. Auflage. Eugen Ulmer Verlag]44–45
Review [Frahm J.-P. & Frey W. (2004): Moosflora, 4.ed. Eugen Ulmer Verlag]
Kučera J.Recenze [Smith A. J. E. (2004): The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland, 2nd ed. – Cambridge University Press]45–46
Review [Smith A. J. E. (2004): The Moss Flora of Britain and Ireland, 2nd ed. – Cambridge University Press]
Kučera J.Recenze [Müller F. (2004): Verbreitungsatlas der Moose Sachsens. – Lutra, Tauer]46–47
Review [Müller F. (2004): Verbreitungsatlas der Moose Sachsens. – Lutra, Tauer]
Soldán Z.Česká a slovenská bryologická bibliografie XVII48–51
Czech and Slovak bryological bibliography, XVII
Palice Z.Nová lichenologická literatura XIV51–64
New lichenological literature, XIV