Publications of students and staff
Martina Petrů
Number of records: 4
Petrů, M. 2005. Year-to-year oscillations in demography of the strictly biennial Pedicularis sylvatica and effects of experimental disturbances. Plant Ecology 181: 289-298.
Allard, D.J., Petrů, M., Mill, R.R. 2005. An ecological study of Pedicularis dendrothauma, an arboreal hemiparasitic epiphyte from Nepal. Folia Geobotanica 40: 135-149.
Gough, L., Goldberg, D.E., Hershock, C., Pauliukonis, N., Petrů, M. 2001. Investigating the community consequences of competition among clonal plants. Evolutionary Ecology 15: 547-563.
Petrů, M., Lepš, J. 2000. Regeneration dynamics in populations of two hemiparasitic species in wet grasslands. In: White, P.S., Mucina, L., Lepš, J. (eds.) Vegetation science in retrospect and perspective. Proceedings of the 41th Symposium of IAVS. pp. 329-333. Opulus Press, Uppsala.