Publications of students and staff
Helena Gruberová
Number of records: 2
Gruberová, H., Prach K. 2003. Competition between the alien Bidens frondosa and its native congener Bidens tripartita. In: Child, L., Brock, J.H:, Brundu, G., Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Wade, P.M. &
Gruberová, H., Bendová, K., Prach, K. 2001. Seed ecology of alien Bidens frondosa in comparison with native species of the genus. In: Brundu, G., Brock, J., Camarda, I., Child, L., Wade, M. (eds.) Plant Invasions: Species Ecology and Ecosystem Management. pp. 99-104. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden.