Publications of students and staff
Marek Bastl
Number of records: 18
Mach, J., Lanta, V., Bastl, M. 2009. The effect of mining and vegetation scarification on the survival and establishment of Pinus rotundata Link. and P. sylvestris L. in contrasting peat bog habitats. - Polish Journal of Ecology 57: 239-250.
Bastl, M., Štechová, T., Prach, K. 2009. Effect of disturbance on the vegetation of peat bogs with Pinus rotundata in the Trebon Basin, Czech Republic. Preslia 81: 105-117.
Mach, J., Lanta, V., Bastl, M. 2009. The effect of mining and vegetation scarification on the survival and establishment of Pinus rotundata Link. and P. sylvestris L. in contrasting peat bog habitats. Polish Journal of Ecology 57: 239-250.
Horn, P., Bastl, M. 2008. Mire vegetation gradient established as a result of interaction with a water reservoir. Botany-Botanique 86: 1205-1216.
Bastl, M., Burian, M., Kučera, J. Prach, K., Rektoris, L., Štech, M. 2008. Central European pine bogs change along an altitudinal gradient. Preslia 80: 349-363.
Kaštovský J., Řeháková K., Bastl M., Vymazal J., King R.S. 2008. Experimental Assessment of Phosphorus Effects on Algal Assemblages in Dosing Mesocosms.- In: Richardson C. (ed.): The Everglades Experiments, 465-479 p, Springer.
Vymazal J., Komárková J., Řeháková K., Kaštovský J., Bastl M. 2008. Algal Responses to Long-Term Nutrient Additions..- In: Richardson C. (ed.): The Everglades Experiments, 263-277 p, Springer.
Kučerová, A., Rektoris, L., Štechová, T., Bastl, M. 2008. Disturbances on a wooded raised bog - How windthrow, bark beetle and fire affect vegetation and soil water quality? Folia Geobotanica 43: 49-67.
Bastlová, D., Bastl, M., Čížková, H., Květ, J. 2006. Plasticity of Lythrum salicaria and Phragmites australis growth characteristics across a European geographical gradient. Hydrobiologia 570: 237-242.
Bufková, I., Prach, K., Bastl, M. 2005. Relationships between vegetation and environment within the montane floodplain of the Upper Vltava River. Silva Gabreta Suppl. 1-78.
Bastlová, D., Čížková, H., Bastl, M., Květ, J. 2004. Growth of Lythrum salicaria and Phragmites australis plants originating from a wide geographical area: response to nutrient and water supply. Global Ecology and Biogeography 13: 259-271.
Prach, K., Pyšek, P., Bastl, M. 2001. Spontaneous vegetation succession in human-disturbed habitats: A pattern across seres. Applied Vegetation Science 4: 83-88.
Horn, P., Bastl, M. 2000. Successional changes of vegetation at the "Multerberské rašeliniště" peat bog in the Šumava Mts during the last 50 years. Příroda, Praha, 17: 109-118.
Vacek, S., Bastl, M., Lepš, J. 1999. Vegetation changes in forestsof the Krkonoše Mts. over a period of air pollution stress (1980-1995). Plant Ecology 143: 1-11.
Bastl, M., Kočár, P., Prach, K., Pyšek, P. 1997. The effect of successional age and disturbance on the establishment of alien plants in man-made sites: an experimental approach. In: Brock, J.H. et al. (eds.) Plant Invasions: Studies from North America and Europe, pp. 191-201, Backhuys Publ., Leiden.
Kočár, P., Bastl, M., Prach, K. 1997. Invaze neofytů do různě starých sukcesních stádií: experimentální přístup. In: Pyšek, P., Prach, K. (eds.) Invazní rostliny v české flóře. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol., Materiály 14: 125-129.
Pašťálková, H., Vacek, S., Málková, J., Matějka K., Bastl M. 1996. Vliv kleče horské na rostlinná společenstva v Krkonoších. In: Vacek, S. (ed.) Monitoring, výzkum a management ekosystémů na území KRNAP. Opočno.
Vacek, S., Lepš, J., Bastl, M. 1996. Vegetační změny na výzkumných plochách ve smrkových smrkobukových a bukových porostech v Krkonoších. In: Vacek, S. (ed.) Monitoring, výzkum a management ekosystémů na území KRNAP. Opočno.