Publications of students and staff
Ondrej Mudrak
Number of records: 11
Klimešová, J., Mudrak, O., Martínková, J., Lisner, A., Lepš, J., Filartiga, A. L., & Ottaviani, G. 2021. Are belowground clonal traits good predictors of ecosystem functioning in temperate grasslands?. Functional Ecology. 35(3), 787-795.
Ottaviani, G., Lubbe, C.F., Lepš, J., Lisner, A., Martínková, J., Mudrak, O., Klimešová, J. 2021. Strong impact of management regimes on rhizome biomass across Central European temperate grasslands. Ecological Applications 31(4), e2317.
Majekova M., Hajek T., Albert A.J., de Bello F., Dolezal J., Gotzenberger L., Janecek S., Leps J., Liancourt P., Mudrak O. 2021. Weak coordination between leaf drought tolerance and proxy traits in herbaceous plants. Functional Ecology 35 (6), 1299-1311.
Dolezal, J., Jandova, V., Macek, M., Mudrak, O., Altman, J., Schweingruber, F., Liancourt, P. 2020. Climate warming drives Himalayan alpine plant growth and recruitment dynamics. Journal of Ecology
Dolezal, J., Dvorsky, M., Kopecký, M., Altman, J., Mudrak, O., Čapková, K., Rehakova, K., Macek, M., Liancourt, P. 2019. Functionally distinct assembly of vascular plants colonizing alpine cushions suggests their vulnerability to climate change. Annals of Botany, 123 (4), 569–578
Doležal, J.; Dvorský, M.; Kopecký, M.; Liancourt, P.; Hiiesalu, I.; Macek, M.; Altman,J.; Chlumská, Z.; Řeháková, K.; Čapková, K.; Borovec, J.; Mudrak, O.; Wild, J.; Schweingruber, F. 2016. Vegetation dynamics at the upper elevational limit of vascular plants in Himalaya. Scientific Reports 6, 24881.
Mudrak, O., Fajmon, K., Jongepierova, J., Doležal, J. 2016. Restoring species-rich meadow by means of turf transplantation: long-term colonization of ex-arable land. Applied Vegetation Science
Majekova, M., Janecek, S., Mudrak, O., Hornık, J., Janeckova, P., Bartos, M., Fajmon, K., Jiraska, S., Gotzenberger, L., Smilauer, P., Leps, J., de Bello, F. 2016. Consistent functional response of meadow species and communities to land-use changes across productivity and soil moisture gradients. Applied Vegetation Science 19: 196–205.
de Bello, F., Fibich, P., Zeleny, D., Kopecky, M., Mudrak, O., Chytry, M., Pysek, P., Wild, J., Michalcova, D., Sadlo, J., Smilauer, P., Leps, J., Partel, M. 2016. Measuring size and composition of species pools: a comparison of dark diversity estimates. Ecology and Evolution 6(12): 4088–4101.
Janecek, S., de Bello, F., Hornık, J., Bartos, M., Cerny, T., Dolezal, J., Dvorsky, M., Fajmon, K., Janeckova, P., Jiraska, S., Mudrak, O., Klimesova, J. 2013. Effects of land-use changes on plant functional and taxonomic diversity along a productivity gradient in wet meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 898–909.
de Bello, F., Mudrak, O. 2013. Plant traits as indicators: loss or gain of information? Applied Vegetation Science 16: 353–354.