Publications of students and staff
David Kaftan
Number of records: 4
Nedbal, L., Soukupová, J., Kaftan, D., Whitmarsh, J., Trtílek, M. 2000. Kinetic imaging of chlorophyll fluorescence using modulated light. Photosynthetic Research 66: 3-12.
Dijkman, N., Kaftan, D., Trtílek, M., Nedbal, L. 1999. Measurements of phytoplankton of sub-nanomolar chlorophyll concentrations by a modified double-modulation fluorometer. Photosynthetica 37: 249-254.
Nedbal, L., Trtílek, M., Kaftan, D. 1999. Flash fluorescence induction: a novel method to study regulation of Photosystem II. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B 48: 154-157.
Kaftan, D., Meszáros, T., Whitmarsh, J., Nedbal, L. 1999. Characterization of photosystem II activity and heterogeneity during the cell cycle of the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. Plant Physiology 120: 433-441.