Publications of students and staff
Petr Horn
Number of records: 4
Horn, P., Bastl, M. 2008. Mire vegetation gradient established as a result of interaction with a water reservoir. Botany-Botanique 86: 1205-1216.
Horn, P., Bastl, M. 2000. Successional changes of vegetation at the "Multerberské rašeliniště" peat bog in the Šumava Mts during the last 50 years. Příroda, Praha, 17: 109-118.
Horn, P. 1997. Sezónní dynamika nadzemní biomasy Reynoutria japonica. In: Pyšek, P., Prach, K. (eds.) Invazní rostliny v české flóře. Zprávy Čes. Bot. Spol., Materiály 14: 59-62.
Horn, P., Prach, K. 1994. Aerial biomass of Reynoutria japonica and its comparison with that of native species. Preslia 66: 345-348.