Magdalena Lučanová – Publikace
- Prančl J., Koutecký P., Trávníček P., Jarolímová V., Lučanová M., Koutecká E., Kaplan Z. (2018): Cytotype variation, cryptic diversity and hybridization in Ranunculus sect. Batrachium revealed by flow cytometry and chromosome numbers. – Preslia 90: 195–223.
- Pyšek P., Skálová H., Čuda J., Guo W.-Y., Suda J., Doležal J., Kauzál O., Lambertini C., Lučanová M., Mandáková T., Moravcová L., Pyšková K., Brix H., Meyerson L. A. (2018): Small genome separates native and invasive populations in an ecologically important cosmopolitan grass. – Ecology 99(1): 79-90.
- Šrámková-Fuxová G., Záveská E., Kolář F., Lučanová M., Španiel S., Marhold K. (2017): Range-wide genetic structure of Arabidopsis halleri (Brassicaceae): glacial persistence in multiple refugia and origin of the Northern Hemisphere disjucntion. – Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 185(3): 321-342.
- Kolář F., Lučanová M., Záveská E., Fuxová G., Mandáková T., Španiel S., Senko D., Svitok M., Kolník M., Gudžinskas Z., Marhold K. (2016): Ecological segregation does not drive the intricate parapatric distribution of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of the Arabidopsis arenosa group (Brassicaceae). – Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 119(3):673-688.
- Meyerson L. A., Cronin J. T., Bhattarai G. P., Brix H., Lambertini C., Lučanová M., Rinehart S., Suda J., Pyšek P. (2016): Do ploidy level and nuclear genome size and latitude of origin modify the expression of Phragmites australis traits and interactions with herbivores? – Biological Invasions 18(9): 2531-2549.
- Kolář F.*, Fuxová G.*, Záveská E.*, Nagano A. J., Hyklová L., Lučanová M., Kudoh H., Marhold K. (2016): Northern glacial refugia and altitudinal niche divergence shape genome-wide differentiation in the emerging plant model Arabidopsis arenosa. – Molecular Ecology 25(16): 3929-3949, *equal contribution.
- Pyšek P., Manceur A., Alba C., McGregor K., Pergl J., Štajerová K., Chytrý M., Danihelka J.,
- Kartesz J., Klimešová J., Lučanová M., Moravcová L., Nishino M., Sádlo J., Suda J., Tichý L. & Kühn I. (2015): Naturalization of central European plants in North America: species traits, habitats, propagule pressure, residence time. – Ecology 96: 762–774 (doi: 10.1890/14-1005.1).
- Hohmann N., Schmickl R., Chiang T.Y., Lučanová M., Kolář F., Marhold K., Koch M.A. (2014): Taming the wild: resolving the gene pools of non-model Arabidopsis lineages. – BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 224.
- Těšitel J., Těšitelová T., Bernardová A., Drdová-Janková E., Lučanová M., Klimešová J. (2014): Demographic population structure and fungal associations of plants colonizing High Arctic glacier forelands, Petuniabukta, Svalbard. – Polar Research 33:20797.
- Kolář F., Lučanová M., Koutecký P., Dortová M., Knotek A., Suda J. (2014): Spatio-ecological segregation of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of Galium valdepilosum in central Europe. – Preslia 86: 155-178.
- Kolář F., Lučanová M., Fuxová G., Záveská E., Španiel S., Marhold K. (2013): Cytological variation of Arabidopsis arenosa in its Carpathian diversity centre. – Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 55:51.
- Fuxová G., Záveská E., Kolář F., Lučanová M., Záveská E., Španiel S., Marhold K. (2013): Phylogeography and taxonomy of Arabidopsis halleri in the Carpathians. – Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica 55:44.
- Krejčíková J., Sudová R., Lučanová M., Trávníček P., Urfus T., Vít P., Weiss-Schneeweiss H., Kolano B., Oberlander K., Dreyer L. L. & Suda J. (2013): High ploidy diversity and distinct patterns of cytotype distribution in a widespread species of Oxalis in the Greater Cape Floristic Region. – Annals of Botany 111: 641–649.
- Kolář F., Lučanová M., Vít P., Urfus T., Chrtek J., Fér T., Ehrendorfer F. & Suda J. (2013): Diversity and endemism in deglaciated areas: Ploidy, relative genome size and niche differentiation in the Galium pusillum complex (Rubiaceae) in Northern and Central Europe. – Annals of Botany 111: 1095–1108.
- Trávníček P., Jersáková J., Kubátová B., Krejčíková J., Bateman R. M., Lučanová M., Krajníková E., Těšitelová T., Štípková Z., Amardeilh J.-P., Brzosko E., Jermakowicz E., Cabanne O., Durka W., Efimov P., Hedrén M., Hermosilla C. E., Kreutz K., Kull T., Tali K., Marchand O., Rey M., Schiestl F. P., Čurn V. & Suda J. (2012): Minority cytotypes in European populations of the Gymnadenia conopsea complex (Orchidaceae) greatly increase intraspecific and intrapopulation diversity. – Annals of Botany 110: 977–986.
- Kolář F., Lučanová M., Těšitel J., Loureiro J. & Suda J. (2012): Glycerol-treated nuclear suspensions-an efficient preservation method for flow cytometric analysis of plant samples. – Chromosome research 20(2): 303-315.
- te Beest M., Le Roux J. J., Richardson D. M., Brysting A. K., Suda J., Kubešová M. & Pyšek P. (2012): The more the better? The role of polyploidy in facilitating plant invasions. – Annals of Botany 109: 19-45.
- Kubešová M., Moravcová L., Suda J., Jarošík V. & Pyšek P. (2010): Naturalized plants have smaller genomes than their non-invading relatives: a flow cytometric analysis of the Czech alien flora. – Preslia 82: 81-96
- Dušková E., Kolář F., Sklenář P., Rauchová J., Kubešová M., Fér T., Suda J. & Marhold K. (2010): Genome size correlates with growth form, habitat and phylogeny in the Andean genus Lasiocephalus (Asteraceae). – Preslia 82: 127-148
- Hülber K., Sonnleitner M., Flatscher R., Berger A., Dobrovsky R., Niessner S., Nigl T., Schneeweiss G. M., Kubešová M., Rauchová J., Suda J. & Schönswetter P. (2009): Ecological segregation drives fine-scale cytotype distribution of Senecio carniolicus in the Eastern Alps. – Preslia 81(3): 309–319
- Kolář F., Štech M., Trávníček P., Rauchová J., Urfus T., Vít P., Kubešová M. & Suda J. (2009): Towards resolving the Knautia arvensis agg. (Dipsacaceae) puzzle: primary and secondary contact zones and ploidy segregation at landscape and microgeographic scales. – Annals of Botany 103: 963-974
- Suda J., Loureiro J., Trávníček P., Rauchová J., Vít P., Urfus T., Kubešová M., Dreyer L. L., Oberlander K. C., Wester P. & Roets F. (2009): Flow cytometry and its applications in plant population biology, ecology and biosystematics: New prospects for the Cape flora (conference abstract). – South African Journal of Botany 75(2): 389