Šoun J.: Revize herbáře lišejníků Josefa Uličného. – Bryonora 56 (2015): 81-87. pdf separát (124 kB)


Abstract: The study summarizes a revision of the lichen herbarium of the famous malacologist Josef Uličný (1850-1913) collected by himself in the Třebíč region (probably between 1893 and 1896). The herbarium comprises 72 sheets containing 89 species of lichens (after revision). The revision has shown that more than one-quarter of the material was wrongly determined. Uličný's herbarium is the first record of lichen diversity in the Třebíč region. It also contains species currently extinct there or in the entire Czech Republic, e.g. Caloplaca lobulata, Cetrelia cetrarioides, C. olivetorum, Cliostomum corrugatum, Hypogymnia vittata, Lecanora intumescens, Lobaria scrobiculata, Nephroma parile, Peltigera aphthosa, P. venosa, Ramalinafraxinea and Stereocaulon tomentosum

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