Malíček J. & Palice Z.: Epifytické lišejníky Jilmové skály na Šumavě. – Bryonora 56 (2015): 56-71. pdf separát (4.55 MB)


Abstract: A total of 160 lichenized and 11 non-lichenized epiphytic and lignicolous fungi were recorded during field research of the Jilmová skála Natural Monument in the Šumava Mts. The locality (8.12 ha) is formed by an old-growth forest dominated by beech, Norway maple and sycamore. Silver firs, Norwegian spruces and elms are admixed. Numerous rare lichen species were recorded only on one or two trees, although the lichen biota is very rich. Biatoridium delitescens is reported here for the first time from the Czech Republic. Bacidia laurocerasi, B. vermifera, Cliostomum griffithii, Coenogonium luteum, Chaenotheca hispidula, Gyalecta truncigena, Lobaria pulmonaria, Micarea hedlundii, Rinodina capensis, Schismatomma pericleum and Usnea intermedia are other remarkable species. The highest diversity of epiphytic lichens was recorded on beech (47%), followed by Norway maple (39%) and sycamore (39%). Forty-eight lichen species were found growing on wood. Only the rocky ridge of the Jilmová skála Natural Monument, with a scree forest covering an area of about 2 ha, is rich in lichens. The rest of the locality (6 ha) is covered mainly by poor shady beech-spruce forest

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