Guttová A., Fačkovcová Z.: Výskyt druhov Leptogium schraderi a L. turgidum (lichenizované huby) na Slovensku. – Bryonora 50 (2012): 2-7. pdf separát (0 kB)

Keywords: Collemataceae, cyanolichens, calcareous biotopes, distribution

Abstract: The species Leptogium schraderi and L. turgidum were overlooked and undercollected in Slovakia in past. These small, fruticose cyanolichens occur on soil or among mosses in calcareous habitats. This study summarizes all known published and herbarium data from Slovakia and provides distribution map. L. schraderi was so far recorded in 27 localities (9 unpublished) and L. turgidum in 8 localities (5 unpublished). A short review on morphology, nomenclature, habitat requirements and world distribution of these species are provided.

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