
Novotný I., Kubešová S., Doskočilová A., Hradílek Z., Koval Š., Marková I., Musil Z., Plášek V., Uhereková Šmelková D., Vicherová E. & Zmrhalová M.Mechorosty zaznamenané v průběhu 17. jarního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání v Chřibech1–8
Bryophytes recorded during the 17th Spring Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the ČBS in Chřiby (SE Moravia
Abstract: The Chřiby highlands are situated in the south-eastern part of the Czech Republic. The 17th Spring Meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society took place in this region in April 2010. List of bryophyte species recorded and/or collected during the Meeting excursions is given, including several other recent records. A total of 19 liverworts and 147 moss species are reported. The most important records, e.g. Campylophyllum sommerfeltii, Diplophyllum obtusifolium, Eurhynchium pulchellum, Microbryum curvicolle, M. davallianum, and Tritomaria exsecta, are discussed.
Jabłońska A., Palice Z. & Kukwa M.Poznámky k sorediosním druhům rodu Porpidia s rezavě zbarvenou stélkou z České republiky8–13
Notes on sorediate Porpidia species with a rusty coloured thallus from the Czech Republic
Abstract: The sorediate Porpidia species with orange thallus from the Czech Republic are reviewed. P. melinodes is recorded for the first time in the country. P. soredizodes and P. tuberculosa, which occasionally develop an orange/rusty thallus, are also included in the text.
Váňa J.Přínos botaniků 19. století narozených a působících na českém území k nomenklatuře a taxonomii mechorostů. II. August Karl [Carl] Joseph Corda13–26
Contribution of botanists of 19th century born and working in the area of present Czech Republic to the nomenclature and taxonomy of bryophytes. II. August Karl [Carl] Joseph Corda
Abstract: The second article of the series is devoted to August Karl [Carl] Joseph Corda, Czech mycologist and botanist, for some time working also on bryophytes and algae. Short biography, his contribution to bryology, information about his herbarium and publications about bryophytes (mostly concerning only liverworts) are presented. The core of the article is the list of taxa of bryophytes published or only named (in sched.) by Corda; valid taxa are printed in boldface. Complete bibliographic references and the information about the revision and present categorization of these taxa are given.
Váňa J.Opravy a doplňky k článku „Přínos botaniků 19. století narozených a působících na českém území k nomenklatuře a taxonomii mechorostů. I. Philipp [Filip] Maximilian Opiz“27–29
Corrections and additions to the article „Contribution of botanists of 19th century born and working in the area of present Czech Republic to the nomenclature and taxonomy of bryophytes. I. Philipp [Filip] Maximilian Opiz“
Abstract: Corrections and additions based on three overlooked publications are presented.
Lukáč M.Príspevok k poznaniu rodu Usnea (Parmeliaceae) na Slovensku IV.29–35
Contribution to knowledge of the genus Usnea (Parmeliaceae) in Slovakia IV
Abstract: Occurrence of five species of the genus Usnea (U. dasypoga, U. hirta including U. hirta subsp. helvetica, U. intermedia, U. lapponica and U. subfloridana) is reported from 10 localities of central Slovakia (Nízke Tatry Mts, Spiško-gemerský kras Karst, Veporské vrchy Mts). Chemical and morphological properties of particular collections are discussed.
Vrtalová K., Mátl M., Plaček J., Novotný I. & Zmrhalová M.Bryologický a lichenologický průzkum v přírodním parku Velký Kosíř na Prostějovsku35–40
Bryological and lichenological investigation in the Nature park of Velký Kosíř close to the town of Prostějov
Abstract: Present state of the bryological and lichenological survey in the Velký Kosíř Nature park shows the occurrence of 69 bryophyte and 64 lichen species. Important records are those of the bryophytes Ditrichum pallidum, Homalothecium philippeanum and the lichen Flavoparmelia caperata.
Halda J. P., Bouda F., Fessová A., Kocourková J., Malíček J., Müller A., Peksa O., Svoboda D., Šoun J. & Vondrák J.Lišejníky zaznamenané během podzimního bryologicko-lichenologického setkání v CHKO Ţelezné hory v září 200940–51
Lichens recorded during the autumnal bryo-lichenological meeting in Ţelezné hory Mts (Czech Republic), September 2009
Abstract: 164 lichen-forming fungi and 7 non-lichenized fungi were recorded from the Ţelezné hory Mts (Bohemia). There are a few localities rich in overlooked lichens in the region. We have collected several noteworthy lichen species, e.g. Calicium pinastri, Parmelia ernstiae, Porina lectissima, P. leptalea, Porocyphus coccodes, Rhizocarpon badioatrum, Staurothele fissa, and Verrucaria aethiobola. Bacidina caligans and Lecidea ahlesii are new to the Czech Republic.
Štechová T., Manukjanová A. & Čejková A.Bryoflóra tří rašelinných luk v Orlických horách52–56
Bryophyte flora of three fen meadows in the Orlické hory Mts
Abstract: Bryophyte flora of three fen and spring meadows (Hraniční louka, Rašeliniště pod Předním vrchem and Pod Zakletým) in the Orlické hory Mts was investigated. At these localities, 21 hepatics and 72 mosses were recorded or collected during fieldwork. Four noteworthy moss species were collected: Drepanocladus polygamus, Sphagnum affine, Palustriella decipiens and Splachnum ampullaceum, the distribution and ecology of which are discussed in detail.
Kučera J., ed.Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XVII.57–59
Interesting bryofloristic records, XVII
AnonymousZměny v adresáři Sekce59–59
Changes to Membership directory
AnonymousZprávy ze Sekce60–61
News from the Section
Kučera J.Nová bryologická literatura XXIV.62–80
New bryological literature, XXIV
Palice Z.Nová lichenologická literatura XX.81–89
New lichenological literature, XX