Mišíková K., Jurčišinová D.: Machorasty vybraných cintorínov Podunajskej nížiny (Slovensko). – Bryonora 51 (2013): 15-23. pdf separát (702 kB)

Keywords: anthropogenic habitats, biodiversity, mosses, liverworts, rural environment

Abstract: Cemeteries are from the bryological viewpoint poorly studied anthropogenic habitats. In areas strongly affected by agriculture, such as the Podunajská nížina lowland, they may represent refuges for a number of bryophyte taxa, especially epiphytic and epilithic species. In present study, we focused on the species diversity of eight cemeteries predominantly in rural environment. Overall, 43 bryophytes were found. It seems that from the possible factors which have impact on the species diversity, the number of adult trees on each cemetery shows a positive effect.

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