
Hradílek Z. & Dřevojan P. : Mech fissidens crassipes v české republice a na slovensku , 1-12
[The moss Fissidens crassipes in the Czech Republic and Slovakia]
Abstract: [Fissidens crassipes is a very rare moss in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which was until recently considered vanished in the Czech Republic. In 2016 its occurrence was verified after 62 years in the vicinity of the village of Rokytná in south-western Moravia. The habitat conditions of the recent record are briefly described. The historical distribution of the moss was revised based on herbarium specimens from major Czech and Slovak herbaria. Only seven localities of this moss in the two countries turned out to be supported by herbarium specimens. With respect to the frequent confusion between F. crassipes, F. pusillus and F. rufulus, their delimitation and differentiation are commented on.]
Malíček J., Bouda F., Peksa O. & Syrovátková L. : Lišejníky zaznamenané během bryologicko-lichenologických dnů na broumovsku , 13-22
[Lichens recorded during the bryological and lichenological days in the Broumov region (eastern Bohemia)]
Abstract: [We present a list of 120 lichen taxa and one lichen-allied fungus recorded in the Broumovsko Protected Landscape Area in September 2018 during the 30th Autumn Days of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society. We explored mainly acidic and calcareous sandstone rocks in this lichenologically poorly known area. Acidic sandstones harboured, for example, Arthonia arthonioides, Micarea leprosula and Mycoblastus alpinus whereas those of the calcareous rock types harboured Verrucaria hochstetteri. A half-day excursion led to a settling pit with early succession stages occupied by a few rare terricolous/bryophilous species such as Bacidia pycnidiata, Placidiopsis oreades (only one locality in the Czech Republic), Thelocarpon impressellum (the second locality in the Czech Republic), Verrucaria bryoctona and Vezdaea leprosa. The region is quite poor in epiphytic lichens, but several currently spreading species have been recorded, for example Flavoparmelia caperata.]
Dřevojan P., Holá E., Jandová L., KošnarJ., Kubešová S., Kučera J., Manukjanová A., Mikulášková E., Müller F., Peterka T., Štechová T. & Štěrbová J. : Zajímavé bryofloristické nálezy XXXI , 23-34
[Interesting bryofloristic records XXXI]
Palice Z. : Česká a slovenská lichenologická bibliografie XXXI , 35-39
[Czech and Slovak lichenological bibliography XXXI]
Kubešová S. & Širka P. : Nová bryologická literatura XXXIII , 40-48
[New bryological literature XXXIII]
Mišíková K. : Personalia: Doc. RNDr. Vojtech Peciar, CSc. deväťdesiatročný , 49-49
Mikulášková E. : Recenze: [Laine J., Flatberg K. I., Harju P., Timonen T., Minkkinen K. J., Laine A., Tuittila E.-S. & Vasander H. T. (2018): Sphagnum Mosses: The Stars of European Mires] , 50-52
Review: [Laine J., Flatberg K. I., Harju P., Timonen T., Minkkinen K. J., Laine A., Tuittila E.-S. & Vasander H. T. (2018): Sphagnum Mosses: The Stars of European Mires]
Zmrhalová M., Halda J.P. & Širka P. : Zprávy ze Sekce [26. Jarní bryologicko-lichenologické setkání ve zlatých horách, Pozvánka na jesenné bryologicko-lichenologické stretnutie na Podpoľaní] , 53-54
[News from the Section]
Kubešová S. & Plášek V. : Zpráva o činnosti Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce v roce 2018 , 55-57
[Report on the activities of the Bryological and Lichenological Section in 2018]
Kubešová S., Mikulášková E. & Štěpánková R. : Hospodaření za období 2015–2018 , 58-59
[Economy for the period 2015–2018]
Anonymus : Statut Bryologicko-lichenologické sekce ČBS , 60-62
[Statute of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the CBS]